Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 292

The Work Of Pruning

Text: John 15: 3


What did Jesus mean when He spoke of pruning? The imagery used was that of a skilled vinedresser whose work was to ensure that the branches are fruitful.

“You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.”

John 15:3

1. The word “prune”

a. It is the same word as the word “to make clean”.
b. To prune is “to cleanse”.

2. “You are already clean”

a. The first work of cleansing
i. Cleansing of sin when the Disciples first came to believe in Jesus.
ii. Every believer must first be made clean by the Lord.
iii. His sins are forgiven and pardoned.
iv. The believer then stands before God the Father as a cleansed person.
b. Already clean
i. The true Disciple has been cleansed.
ii. Judas was not a true Disciple of Jesus.
iii. He was a follower.
iv. He was invited by Jesus through the friendship Jesus extended to him most graciously.
iv. He was the branch that did not bear fruit and would soon be taken away.

3. “Because of the word which I have spoken to you”

a. Jesus had taught His Disciples many vital truths.
b. Each word had the following effects, if they were true Disciples.
i. It may be a word of rebuke.
ii. It may be a word of correction.
iii. It may also be a word of edification.
c. The word of Jesus had a cleansing effect.
i. There would have been a cleansing work in the heart of the Disciple.
ii. Wrong and sinful thoughts would have been washed away.
iii. The word Jesus taught was powerful and was able to do a deep cleansing work in the heart.

经文:约翰福音 15:3




《约翰福音 15:3》

1. “修理”这个词

a. 与 “使得干净” 是相同的意思
b. 修理也是 “洁净” 的意思

2. “已经干净了”

a. 洁净的第一个步骤
i. 当门徒第一次相信耶稣时,他们的罪被洁净了
ii. 每个信徒首先得被主洁净
iii. 他的罪被宽恕和赦免
iv. 信徒便以一个洁净的人的身份站在父神面前
b. 已经被洁净了
i. 真实的门徒已经被洁净了
ii. 加略人犹大不是耶稣真实的门徒
iii. 他只不过是追随者
iv. 耶稣富恩惠地给予他友谊之手
v. 他是没有结果的枝子,他即将被剪去

3. “现在你们因我讲给你们的道”

a. 耶稣曾教导祂的门徒许多重要的真理
b. 如果他们是真实的门徒,每一个教训会有以下的效果
i. 这可能是责备的话语
ii. 这可能是纠正的话语
iii. 也可能是建立的话语
c. 耶稣的话有洁净的作用
i. 在门徒的心中会有一个洁净的效果
ii. 错误和罪恶的想法会被洗净
iii. 耶稣的教训强而有力,能够在心里做深层洁净的工作