Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 295

A Necessary Word Of Warning

Text: John 15: 6


Nothing must ever be taken for granted when it comes to faith in the Lord. Jesus had to give this solemn but necessary word of warning to His disciples.

“If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.”

John 15:6

1. “If anyone does not abide in Me”

a. There is no reason nor excuse for not abiding in Jesus.
b. If a person does not abide in Jesus:
i. It is a choice made.
ii. It is a reflection of a lack of wisdom.
iii. Or worse, it is a reflection of not having a real faith in Jesus.

2. “He is cast out as a branch and is withered”

a. This is done by a good and wise vinedresser.
b. He knows that it must be done.
c. The branch that is cast out will wither because it cannot sustain itself.

3. “And they gather them and throw them into the fire”

a. This is a reference to the helpers of the vinedresser.
b. They assist him in his work of vine-dressing.
c. This imagery is applied in the spiritual realm.
d. If a branch does not abide in the Lord he too will be taken away.
e. This is the fate of those who are actually not true believers in the first place.

4. “And they are burned”

a. This is a description of the finality of it all.
b. The stages are well-described:
i. Not abiding
ii. Cast out
iii. Withered
iv. Thrown into the fire and burned

But this need not happen at all. The true believer and wise would always want to abide in the Lord Jesus Christ.

经文:约翰福音 15: 6




《约翰福音 15:6》

1. “人若不常在我里面”

a. 我们没有理由或借口不常在耶稣里面
b. 人若不常在耶稣里面:
i. 这是一个选择
ii. 这是缺乏智慧的反映
iii. 或者更糟的是,这反映了对耶稣没有真正的信心

2. “就像枝子丢在外面枯干”

a. 修理葡萄园的人既善良又富智慧,这是他的工作
b. 他知道必须这样做
c. 被丢在外面的枝子将枯干,因为它无法自我维持

3. “人拾起来扔在火里”

a. 这指的是修理葡萄园的帮手
b. 他们帮助他修理葡萄园
c. 这意象被应用于属灵的领域
d. 如果枝子不常在主里面,他也将被丢弃
e. 这是那些起初就并非真正信徒的命运

4. “烧了”

a. 这是对这一切的终结的描述
b. 各个阶段都被仔细描述:
i. 不常在里面
ii. 丢在外面
iii. 枯干
iv. 扔在火里烧了
