Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 299

Keeping The Commandments Of Jesus

Text: John 15: 10


The word of Jesus may also be understood as His “commandments”. The teachings of Jesus are not just wise sayings. They were meant to be kept carefully as “commandments”.

“If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.”

John 15:10

1. Another big “If”

a. The keeping of the commandments of Jesus must not be assumed.
b. The idea of “if” in this verse is the same as in John 15:7.
i. “If you abide in Me”
ii. “If you keep My commandments”
c. The keeping of His commandments must be proven or demonstrated.
d. The keeping of Jesus’ commandments is never a mere verbal declaration.

2. “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love”

a. First, we must know His commandments.
b. We must then treasure His word by hiding it in our heart.
c. Finally, we must seek to practise keeping His word in our life in practical ways.
d. Then we will truly be able to say that we are abiding in His love.

3. “Just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love”

a. Jesus offered His own personal example to His Disciples.
b. He knew His Father’s commandments.
c. He had kept His Father’s commandments.
d. Thus, He was able to abide in His Father’s love.

4. The practical ways in which Jesus kept His Father’s commandments

a. He obeyed every word His Father gave to Him.
b. No matter how difficult it was to keep His Father’s commandments:
i. He was prepared to fulfil all God had commanded.
ii. He was prepared to work diligently and faithfully.
iii. He was prepared to suffer much pain.
iv. He was even prepared to die for mankind in obedience to His Father’s will.

经文:约翰福音 15:10

遵守耶稣的命令耶稣的话语也能够被视为祂的“命令”。耶稣的教训不单是富有智慧的话语。我们应该把祂的教训当作 “命令” 来小心遵守。


《约翰福音 15:10》

1. 另一个富重大性的 “若”

a. 我们不能假定自己遵守了耶稣的命令
b. 这经节里“若”的概念和《约翰福音 15:7》里的一样
i. “你们若常在我里面”
ii. “你们若遵守我的命令”
c. 遵守祂的命令是需要被证实或显示的
d. 遵守祂的命令并不仅是口头声明

2. “你们若遵守我的命令,就常在我的爱里”

a. 首先,我们需要知晓祂的命令
b. 其次,我们需要把祂的话语藏在心里,以表珍惜这话语
c. 最终,我们得通过实际的方式在生活中遵守祂的话语
d. 只有这样,我们才能够真正地说自己常在祂的爱里

3. “正如我遵守了我父的命令,常在他的爱里”

a. 耶稣以身作则,为门徒立下祂个人的榜样
b. 祂深知祂父的命令
c. 祂遵守了祂父的命令
d. 因此,祂能够常在祂父的爱里

4. 耶稣以实际的方式遵守祂父的命令

a. 祂听从祂父所赐给祂的每一句话语
b. 无论遵守祂父的命令有多艰难:
i. 祂已准备成就上帝所命令的一切
ii. 祂已准备殷勤和富信实地工作
iii. 祂已准备承受极大的痛苦
iv. 祂甚至准备遵守祂父的旨意,为世人而死