Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 309

Reviewing Ministry

Text: John 15: 22-23


The Lord Jesus reviewed His ministry among those who hated Him. It was a sad commentary of those who resisted and rejected Him.

“If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates My Father also.”

John 15:22-23

1. “If I had not come and spoken to them”

a. Jesus had come and He had spoken:
i. To Israel’s multitudes.
ii. To the religious leaders (Scribes, chief priests, Pharisees… often called “The Jews”..
b. Some had responded well, though very few.
Nicodemus certainly came to have a personal faith in Jesus (John 3).
c. Many had not responded positively.

2. “They would have no sin”

a. This does not mean they had not sinned.
b. But they would not have sinned against Jesus by rejecting Him.

3. “But now they have no excuse for their sin”

a. Jesus had answered their questions.
b. He had performed many mighty miracles.
c. He had shown much grace and mercy.
d. He had taught them about the kingdom of God.
e. They could not plead ignorance.
f. They could not plead innocence.

4. “He who hates Me”

a. The Jews had no reason to hate Jesus.
b. He had been wonderful and compassionate to all in Israel.
c. He should have been loved.

5. “Hates My Father also”

a. Simply because God the Father had sent Him and been with Him each and every day.
b. Hating the Father may not have been a conscious sin but it was nevertheless a grave sin.

经文:约翰福音 15:22-23




《约翰福音 15:22-23》

1. “我若没有来教训他们”

a. 耶稣来了,也教训了他们:
i. 对以色列的众人
ii. 对宗教领袖们(文士、祭司长、法利赛人……常被称为“犹太人”)
b. 有少许的人反应良好
尼哥底母确实在耶稣里找到了信心《约翰福音 3》
c. 但许多人并没有作出正面的反应

2. “他们就没有罪”

a. 这并不表示他们没有犯罪
b. 但他们不会因弃绝耶稣而犯罪


a. 耶稣已回答了他们的问题
b. 祂也行了许多伟大的神迹
c. 祂已施予了极大的恩典和怜悯
d. 祂已教训了有关上帝的国度
e. 他们不可以恳求无知
f. 他们不可以恳求无罪


a. 犹太人没有理由恨耶稣
b. 祂美好及富怜悯地对待全以色列
c. 祂应该受爱戴


a. 这是因为差耶稣来的是父神,而且天父每天都与耶稣同在
b. 恨天父或许不是一个有意识的罪,但始终是一个很严重的罪