Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 313


Text: John 16: 1


Jesus was an outstanding Teacher in more ways than one. He taught with different goals in mind. One of which was to give forewarning so that the Disciples would not fall.

“These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble.” 

John 16:1

1. “These things I have spoken to you”

a. This is a reference to the teachings of Jesus.
b. Some of the goals of His teachings:
i. To instruct
ii. To correct
iii. To deepen faith
iv. To strengthen
v. To give hope
vi . To give inspiration
vii. To give much-needed wisdom
c. Much depends on the Disciples to do their part:
i. In learning well
ii. In remembering
iii. In growing

2. “That you should not be made to stumble”

a. Stumbling could occur:
i. If there is ignorance.
ii. If there is neglect.
iii. If there is complacency.
b. Forewarning was designed to do the following:
i. To encourage forearming.
ii. To encourage preparation of the heart and mind for suffering.
iii. To enhance effort to be stronger.
iv. To take every precaution to prevent stumbling.

The Lord Jesus did everything He needed to do to help the Disciples to prepare for trials just ahead.

经文:约翰福音 16:1




《约翰福音 16:1》

1. “我已将这些事告诉你们”

a. “这些事” 指的是耶稣的教训
b. 祂在教导门徒时的一些目标:
i. 教导
ii. 使人归正
iii. 加深信心
iv. 加添力量
v. 给予盼望
vi. 给予启发
vii. 提供必要的智慧
c. 目标可否达到就取决于门徒是否在以下方面尽本分:
i. 好好学习
ii. 牢记教训
iii. 寻求成长

2. “使你们不至于跌倒”

i. 若愚昧无知
ii. 若疏于防范
iii. 若自满自足
b. 预警是为以下的目的:
i. 鼓励门徒有防备之心
ii. 鼓励门徒在心思意念上为受痛苦做好准备
iii. 鼓励门徒更努力地加强力量
iv. 鼓励门徒采取一切预防措施,才不至于跌倒
