Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 340

Kept From The Evil One

Text: John 17: 15 - 16


Jesus knew well the wicked power of Satan. He had seen the works of the Devil in so many broken lives.

“I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” 

John 17:15-16

1. “I do not pray that You should take them out of the world”

a. To take a person out of the world:
i. It would mean that the person would have to die.
ii. Jesus was not talking about escaping from the problems that would come.
b. Jesus had always taught His Disciples.
i. To be prepared for persecution (Matthew 5:10-12).
ii. There was a cross they must be prepared to bear (Mark 8:34).

2. “But that You should keep them from the evil one”

a. The evil one is a reference to Satan.
b. He had attacked mankind severely:
i. Through possession.
ii. Through illness.
iii. Through gaining entrance in the heart.
c. Jesus prayed that God would keep them:
i. In His protection.
ii. In His power.

3. “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world”

a. An important reflection:
i. Identification with Jesus
ii. Not of this world
b. The hatred of the world must be borne:
i. With understanding
ii. With courage
iii. With joy

经文:约翰福音 17:15-16




《约翰福音 17:15-16》

1. “我不求你叫他们离开世界”

a. 叫一个人离开世界:
i. 这句话意味着这个人必要死
ii. 耶稣不是求父叫他们逃避将发生的问题
b. 耶稣一直以来都教导门徒们
i. 要做好准备接受逼迫《马太福音 5:10-12》
ii. 他们需要准备背起十字架《马可福音 8:34》

2. “只求你保守他们脱离那恶者”

a. 那恶者指的是撒旦
b. 他严重地攻击了人类:
i. 通过鬼附身
ii. 通过疾病
iii. 通过侵入人心
c. 耶稣祷告祈求上帝保守门徒
i. 蒙祂的护卫
ii. 蒙祂的大能

3. “他们不属世界,正如我不属世界一样”

a. 一个重要的反思
i. 与耶稣认同
ii. 不属世界
b. 至于世人的恨,门徒需要:
i. 以理解承受
ii. 以勇气承受
iii. 以喜乐承受