Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 341


Text: John 17: 17


Sanctification is an important word to learn. It is vital that we understand what Jesus meant when He prayed for the sanctification of the Disciples.

“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”

John 17:17

1. “Sanctify”

a. To declare that one is holy.
i. This is a special declaration of God.
ii. He calls all who believe in the Lord Jesus “saints”.
iii. Our standing before God is one of “holiness”.
b. To make one holy.
i. This is different.
ii. This is a process.
iii. This is a work that is very involved.
c. The work of making a person holy.
i. It is a special work of God.
ii. It is also a work of the Spirit of God.
iii. It is a work that involves the individual believer too.
iv. He must respond in obedience to the Lord working in Him.

2. “Sanctify them by Your truth”

a. The means of sanctification is the use of God’s truth.
b. Only truth can truly sanctify:
i. Truth cleanses.
ii. Truth purifies.
iii. Truth enables one to become holy.

3. “Your word is truth”

a. Truth is found in God’s word.
b. The nature of His word is truth.
c. Thus, it is vital to know God’s word for its truth can make us holy.
d. The word of God is truly glorious and to be deeply treasured.

经文:约翰福音 17:17




《约翰福音 17:17》

1. “成圣”

a. 宣告一个人是圣洁的
i. 这是上帝的特别宣言
ii. 上帝称所有信主耶稣的人为“圣徒”
iii. 我们在上帝面前的地位是算为“圣洁”的
b. 使一个人圣洁
i. 这是不同的
ii. 这是一个过程
c. 使一个人成为圣洁的工作
i. 这是上帝特别的工作
ii. 这也是上帝圣灵的工作
iv. 信徒必须顺服在他生命里工作的主


a. 成圣的方式是应用上帝的真理
b. 只有真理才能真正使人成圣:
i. 真理能洗净
ii. 真理能洁净
iii. 真理能使人圣洁


a. 真理能在上帝的道找到
b. 上帝的道就是真理
c. 因此,认识上帝的道是至关重要的,因为只有道中的真理才能使我们圣洁
d. 上帝的道是何等富荣耀且值得我们深深地珍惜