Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 356

The Interrogation Of Jesus

Text: John 18: 19


The first person who interrogated Jesus was Annas the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Though he was not technically the high priest that year, he was commonly referred to as “the high priest”.

“The high priest then asked Jesus about His disciples and His doctrine.”

John 18:19

1. The high priest

a. Technically, he had no power or authority at all.
b. He sought to examine or interrogate Jesus as if he was the high priest.
c. He sought to find out two main things from Jesus.

2. He wanted information about His Disciples

a. He was shrewd.
b. The chief priests and the Pharisees focused only on Jesus.
c. They had virtually ignored the Disciples.
d. Annas knew that there was a need to find out more about His Disciples.
i. Who were they?
ii. Where did they live?
iii. How ardent were these Disciples?

3. He also wanted to know about the doctrines of Jesus

a. He must have heard reports from:
i. The scribes
ii. The Sadducees
iii. The chief priests
iv. The Pharisees
v. Possibly, even the Herodians
b. But none could speak of being able to counter the teachings of Jesus.
c. Instead:
i. They had been rebuked by Jesus.
ii. They had been shown to be almost ignorant of the Scriptures.
iii. They had failed in their attempts to contain the spread of His doctrines.
d. Annas did not have a first-hand knowledge of the teachings of Jesus at all.

经文:约翰福音 18:19




《约翰福音 18:19》

1. 大祭司

a. 事实上,他完全没有权威或权力
c. 他试图盘问耶稣两件主要的事

2. 亚那想要知道有关耶稣门徒的消息

a. 他很狡猾
c. 他们简直忽略了门徒
d. 亚那知道他有必要搜寻更多有关祂的门徒的消息
i. 他们是谁?
ii. 他们住在哪里?
iii. 这些门徒有多虔诚?

3. 他也想知道关于耶稣的教训

a. 他已经从以下这些人听过一些报告:
i. 文士
ii. 撒都该人
iv. 法利赛人
v. 甚至可能是希律党的人
b. 但没有人能够反驳耶稣的教训
c. 相反的:
i. 他们被耶稣责备了
ii. 他们被证实他们对圣经几乎是一无所知的
d. 亚那根本没有关于耶稣的教训的第一手知识