Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 369

The Kingdom Of Jesus

Text: John 18: 36


Pilate had spoken openly and honestly. He had asked if Jesus thought of Himself as a king. Jesus would give him a reply that was profound.

Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but My kingdom is not from here.’”

John 18:36

1. “My kingdom is not of this world”

a. Jesus did indeed have a kingdom.
b. But His kingdom was not like that of the world.
c. It was a spiritual kingdom.
d. It was an eternal kingdom.

2. “If My kingdom were of this world”

a. Pilate would understand how kingdoms operated.
b. The Romans fought to establish their empire (kingdom).
c. They defended their empire with sheer and brutal might.
d. But the kingdom of Jesus was very different.

3. “My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews”

a. The servants of the Lord Jesus were loyal to Him.
b. If He wanted them to fight, they would have fought against the Jews.
c. They would not allow Jesus to come to this point in His life.
d. He had trained His servants differently.
i. They were to be spiritual.
ii. They were to be godly.
iii. They were to be meek and gracious.
iv. Their focus must be on the spiritual and eternal.

4. “My kingdom is not from here”

a. The kingdom of Jesus was not a political one.
b. He would not be a threat to Rome.
c. His kingdom was not an earthly one.

经文:约翰福音 18:36




《约翰福音 18:36》

1. “我的国不属这世界”

a. 耶稣的确有自己的国
b. 但祂的国并不像这世界的国
c. 祂的国是属灵的国
d. 祂的国是永恒的国

2. “我的国若属这世界”

a. 彼拉多了解这世界的国是如何操作的
b. 罗马人通过战斗来建立他们的帝国(国)
c. 他们纯粹以蛮横的力量来保卫罗马帝国
d. 但耶稣的国截然不同

3. “我的臣仆必要争战,使我不至于被交给犹太人”

a. 主耶稣的臣仆对祂是忠诚的
b. 若祂要祂的臣仆争战,他们一定会抵抗犹太人
c. 他们是不会允许耶稣面临人生中这阶段的
d. 祂以不同的方式教导祂的臣仆
i. 他们应当是属灵的
ii. 他们应当敬虔
iii. 他们应当谦卑和富有慈爱
iv. 他们的焦点应当在属灵和永恒的事物

4. “我的国不属这世界”

a. 耶稣的国是不含政治性的
b. 祂对罗马国不会起威胁性
c. 祂的国不属乎地