Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 371

The Conclusion Of Pilate

Text: John 18: 38


Pilate’s understanding of “truth” was quite different. He did not want to debate with Jesus concerning the subject of truth. He had reached a conclusion as he listened to Jesus.

“Pilate said to Him, ‘What is truth?’ And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, ‘I find no fault in Him at all.’”

John 18:38

1. Pilate’s word to Jesus

a. What is truth?
b. Pilate’s thoughts about truth:
i. In his education he would have learned about how people understood truth.
ii. There were some who believed in absolute truth.
iii. There would be others who believed that all truths are relative.
iv. Everyone seemed to have his own opinion about what constitutes truth.
v. He had not decided that he was of the same opinion as Jesus.
2. Pilate’s word to the Jews
a. He went out of the Praetorium again.
b. He met the Jews who waited outside the Praetorium.
c. He presented his conclusion:
i. He could not find fault with Jesus.
ii. The charge that Jesus was a threat to Rome had no merit.
iii. Jesus had no army to fight Rome.
iv. He did not have a physical kingdom that would challenge Rome’s might.
v. The Jews had failed to provide any evidence that could lead to conviction of the death penalty.
3. What Pilate could have done
a. He could have dismissed the case brought against Jesus.
b. He could have released Jesus from custody.
c. He could have offered protection to Jesus.
d. He could have upheld Roman justice.
e. He could have chosen to listen to Jesus and supported Him as a Teacher of truth.

经文:约翰福音 18:38




《约翰福音 18:38》

1. 彼拉多对耶稣说的话

a. “真理是什么呢?”
b. 彼拉多对真理的想法:
i. 他受过教育,该懂得人们如何了解真理
ii. 有些人相信绝对的真理
iv. 对于真理,每个人似乎都有自己的见解
v. 他还没决定他是否与耶稣有同样的意见

2. 彼拉多对犹太人说的话

a. 他再次走出了衙门
b. 他会见了在衙门外等待的犹太人
c. 他呈现了他的结论:
i. 他查不出耶稣有什么罪
ii. 犹太人控告耶稣威胁罗马政府,但他们的指控却毫无根据
iv. 祂并没有一个能挑战罗马权威的实体王国
v. 犹太人无法提供任何足以处耶稣死刑的证据

3. 彼拉多本可以做的

a. 他可以驳回针对耶稣的诉讼案件
b. 他可以释放耶稣
c. 他可以为耶稣提供保护
d. 他可以坚守罗马的司法
e. 他可以选择听从耶稣并支持祂为真理的夫子