Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
There were a good number of soldiers who made up the execution squad. The following details would suggest that a whole squad of soldiers would have been required to function as an execution detail.
1. There was a centurion involved (Luke 23:47).
2. There would be soldiers who had to do crowd control.
3. There were three crosses to be raised up and three prisoners to crucify.
a. At least 2 to 4 soldiers would be required to crucify one prisoner.
b. For the crosses to be raised up properly, a crew would be needed.
i. The ground had to be dug.
ii. The cross had to be hoisted.
iii. The prisoners had to be nailed.
When it was noted that Jesus had already died, not everyone believed that. One enthusiastic soldier wanted to make sure that Jesus had really died.
“But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.”
John 19:34
1. “But one of the soldiers”
a. The conjunction “but” was not used without significance.
b. He did not fully believe the comments of the other soldiers.
c. He had a different opinion.
d. He wanted clear proof that Jesus had indeed died.
2. “Pierced His side with a spear”
a. This soldier must have had some experience in using the spear.
b. He knew exactly where to thrust his spear.
c. This was a killing thrust.
d. If Jesus had not really died, then this spear thrust would have been the fatal stroke.
3. “And immediately blood and water came out”
a. The heart would have been pierced.
b. This would have brought instant death, if Jesus had not already died.
c. Blood and water would have been the confirming sign that the spear thrust was a fatal one.
经文:约翰福音 19:34
1. 有个百夫长参与了《路加福音 23:47》
2. 在场的一些兵丁必须在群众当中维持秩序
3. 他们得抬起三个十字架,并钉死三个囚犯
a. 要把一个囚犯钉十字架,需要两至四个兵丁
b. 要把十字架妥当地抬起,需要一整个队伍
i. 他们必须挖掘泥土
ii. 他们需要抬起十字架
iii. 他们必须把囚犯钉在十字架上