Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 374

Suffering Great Indignity

Text: John 19: 3


The suffering of the Lord Jesus was more than physical. He suffered great indignity as well.

“Then they said, ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ And they struck Him with their hands.”

John 19:3

1. “Then they said”

a. This is a reference to the Roman soldiers.
b. These legionaries had seen battle many times.
c. Rome had fought many kings.
d. Rome had always emerged victorious.
e. Many of the Roman legionaries were filled with arrogance when they looked at the people they had conquered.

2. “Hail, King of the Jews”

a. This was said in mockery.
b. The soldiers mocked the Jews.
i. They were a conquered people.
ii. Rome ruled the world at that point of time in history.
c. The legionaries also mocked Jesus.
i. They did not know Him.
ii. They did not believe in Him.
iii. They scorned Him for speaking of Himself as a King.

3. “And they struck Him with their hands”

a. This was uncalled for.
b. Jesus had already been scourged.
c. He would have been in terrible pain as His back would have been badly cut by the scourges used.
d. The strike with the hands:
i. It would cause much pain.
ii. These were tough soldiers who were well-trained and strong.
iii. But it would be the indignity that would have hurt even more deeply.
iv. He had shown such love and compassion to all. Yet, He had to suffer such pain and sorrow.






1. “又挨近他,说”

a. 这是指罗马士兵
b. 这些军团多次目睹战争
c. 罗马与许多国王作战
d. 罗马总是取得胜利
e. 当许多罗马军团看着他们征服的人时, 他们都充满了傲慢

2. “恭喜,犹太人的王啊”

a. 士兵用嘲弄的说法
b. 士兵嘲笑犹太人
i. 犹太人是被征服的人
ii. 在那段历史, 罗马统治了世界
c. 军团也嘲笑耶稣
i. 他们不认识祂
ii. 他们不相信祂
iii. 他们嘲笑祂, 因为耶稣说祂自己是君王

3. “他们就用手掌打他”

a. 这是不必要的
b. 耶稣已经被鞭打了
c. 祂的背部被藤鞭严重地被鞭打,祂肯定会感到非常痛苦
d. 士兵用手掌打祂:
i. 这会造成很大的痛
ii. 这些士兵都是训练有素, 而且强壮有力的
iii. 但是,耶稣所受的侮辱会带来更深的伤痛
iv. 祂向世人展示了爱和怜悯。但祂还需忍受这样的痛苦和悲伤。