Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 379

Full Of Self-Importance

Text: John 19: 10


Pilate was surprised and perhaps a little miffed that Jesus was silent when addressed. He spoke to Him as a typical Roman governor would, full of self-importance.

“Then Pilate said to Him, ‘Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?’” 

John 19:10

1. The governor Pilate

a. He represented the might of Rome.
b. Power was invested in him as the governor.
c. He had the authority over all cases referred to him.
d. He was full of self-importance.

2. “Are You not speaking to me”

a. The Jews were clamouring for the death of Jesus outside of the Praetorium.
b. He did not want to give in to the chief priests who represented the Sanhedrin Council.
c. But Jesus surprised him by not speaking to him.
d. Most prisoners would be pleading with the governor.
e. They would offer all kinds of bribes to be freed.
f. But Jesus did not say a word to him!
i. He had never met anyone like Jesus.
ii. He showed composure.
iii. There was a sense of peace that enveloped Him that was just exceptional and amazing.

3. “Do you not know that I have power”

a. “To crucify You”
i. The governor was given this authority to decide.
ii. Crucifixion was one of the worst ways of killing a person.
iii. Death came slowly and painfully.
b. “To release You”
i. On the other hand, the governor could also free a prisoner.
ii. He could grant a full pardon.
iii. He could set a prisoner free if he so decides .

经文:约翰福音 19:10




《约翰福音 19:10》

1. 彼拉多巡抚

a. 他代表了罗马的权威
b. 作为巡抚他被给予权柄
c. 他对提交给他的所有案件都有权柄
d. 他非常自大自负

2. “你不对我说话吗”

a. 犹太人在衙门外叫嚷要处死耶稣
b. 他不想屈服于代表公会的祭司长
c. 但是,因为耶稣没有和他说话使他感到惊讶
d. 大多数囚犯都会向巡抚恳求宽恕
e. 他们会提供各种贿赂以得释放
f. 但耶稣没有对他说一句话!
i. 他从未见过像耶稣一样的人
ii. 他表现得很镇静
iii. 有一股平安笼罩着祂,这是非常特别和奇妙的

3. “你岂不知我有权柄释放你”

a. “把你钉十字架”
i. 巡抚有权柄决定
ii. 被钉十字架是死刑最残忍的方法之一
iii. 死亡既缓慢又痛苦
b. “释放你”
i. 另一方面,巡抚也可以释放囚犯
ii. 他可以完全赦免
iii. 他可以决定释放一名囚犯