Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 382

The Peril Before Pilate

Text: John 19: 13


Pilate was not a very religious man. He was more concerned about his political career than he was interested in saving Jesus from death.

“When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus out and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.” 

John 19:13

1. “When Pilate therefore heard that saying”

a. Pilate understood what the Jews were saying.
b. The Jews were giving a veiled threat:
i. They were threatening to send reports to Caesar.
ii. In their report they would say that Pilate was no friend of Caesar.
iii. They would say that he was not efficient in dealing with a Man who made Himself King.
iv. They would say that Jesus spoke against Caesar but Pilate released him.
c. Pilate knew what would happen next.
i. He would be recalled.
ii. He would have to face an inquiry.
iii. He knew that there was corruption in Rome and officials could be bribed to speak against him.
iv. He could lose his job and his career would have ended.
v. He could also be imprisoned or even be executed.

2. “He brought Jesus out and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called The Pavement”

a. Pilate was now ready to give his judgment on the case that was presented to him.
b. The judgment seat was where he gave the official verdict.
c. The Pavement (Hebrew: Gabbatha)
i. This was an open courtyard.
ii. It was a paved courtyard.
iii. It was a large courtyard.
iv. The Jews were familiar with this.
v. They called this courtyard “Gabbatha”. (The meaning is slightly different.
The place was an elevated place, hence it was called “Gabbatha”.)
vi. They waited for Pilate to ascend the judgment seat to give his official verdict as the Roman governor of Judea.

经文:约翰福音 19:13




《约翰福音 19:13》

1. “彼拉多听见这话”

a. 彼拉多明白犹太人所说的话
b. 犹太人的话中有隐晦的威胁:
i. 他们威胁彼拉多他们会向恺撒禀报一切
ii. 他们会禀报说彼拉多不是恺撒的忠臣
iii. 他们会说彼拉多没有适当处理一个以自己为王的人
iv. 他们会说耶稣反对恺撒,但彼拉多却释放了祂
c. 彼拉多知道接下来会发生什么事
i. 他会被叫回
ii. 他得面对调查
iii. 他知道罗马有贪污事件,官员们可能会被收买来指正他
iv. 他可能会失去他的工作,他的事业将就此结束
v. 他可能被关进监牢,甚至被处决


a. 彼拉多已准备好为这呈上给他的案件做出判决
b. 坐堂就是彼拉多给正式判决的位置
c. 铺华石处 (希伯来话:厄巴大)
i. 这是个开放的院子
ii. 这是个铺砌的院子
iii. 这是个宽敞的院子
iv. 犹太人对这场所非常熟悉
v. 他们把这院子叫做“厄巴大”。(这意思有些不同。这地方是个高架平台,因此被取名为“厄巴大”。)
vi. 他们等彼拉多升上判决坐堂,以犹太罗马巡抚的身份宣布他正式的判决