Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 389

Devoted And Faithful To The End

Text: John 19: 25


There was a small group of people who were deeply devoted to Jesus right to the very end. Their love and devotion must serve as an example and a reminder that it is possible to remain faithful.

“Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.”

John 19:25

1. The Three Marys

a. All of the women shared the same name “Mary”.
b. All of them are to be commended for their love and devotion.

2. “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother”

a. Mary was the one who gave birth to Jesus.
b. The love and devotion partly stemmed from being the birth-mother.
c. She came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah-Saviour and this love and devotion grew further.
d. That she remained faithful to the end must not be taken for granted.

3. “And His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas”

a. This would be the auntie of Jesus.
b. She grew to love Jesus as her Saviour and Teacher.
c. Little is known about her. But this mention of her at the foot of the cross of Jesus speaks well of her as one whose devotion was matched by her courage to be identified with Jesus so publicly.

4. Her husband Clopas was mentioned in the Gospel of Luke

a. Jesus walked with him and a companion on the road to Emmaus.
b. They recounted the event of the crucifixion of Jesus.
c. The risen Lord Jesus opened up the Scriptures to Clopas and his companion (Luke 24:13-35).

5. Mary Magdalene

a. She was not related to Jesus by blood.
b. But Mary would never forget how Jesus delivered her from the power of demons (Luke 8:2).
c. Her faith in Jesus did not waver and she was faithful to the very end.
d. Her love and devotion stemmed from:
i. A genuine faith.
ii. A grateful heart.
iii. A good and committed spirit of faithful devotion to her Saviour and Lord.

经文:约翰福音 19:25




《约翰福音 19:25》

1. 三位马利亚

a. 女士们有着相同的名字 “马利亚”
b. 他们的爱和忠诚配得赞扬

2. “站在耶稣十字架旁边的,有他母亲”

a. 这位是产下耶稣的马利亚
b. 她对耶稣的爱和忠诚部分源于她是生母
c. 她对耶稣的爱和忠诚在信靠耶稣为她的弥赛亚-救主后增长
d. 她对耶稣持之以恒的信实不可当成理所当然

3. “有他母亲与他母亲的姐妹,并革罗罢的妻子马利亚”

a. 这是耶稣的阿姨
b. 她爱戴耶稣为她的主和老师
c. 经文里并没有其他有关这位马利亚的记载。不过,她愿意站在耶稣的十字架前反映了她的虔诚给予她勇气来公开地跟随耶稣。

4. 《路加福音》提及她的丈夫,革罗罢

a. 耶稣与他和另一个伴侣在以马忤斯行走
b. 他们回顾耶稣被钉在十字架上的经历
c. 复活的主耶稣与和革罗罢以及那位伴侣分享了福音 《路加福音 24: 13–35》

5. 抹大拉的马利亚

a. 她和耶稣没有血缘关系
b. 不过,她不会忘记耶稣是如何从恶魔的掌控中拯救她 《路加福音 8:2》
c. 她在耶稣里有着坚定的信心,因此她对耶稣忠诚到底。
d. 她的爱与忠诚来自于:
i. 真实的信心
ii. 感恩的心
iii. 一个美好和忠心于她的救主的心