Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 395

A Deeply Moving Scene

Text: John 19: 35


The Apostle John was an eye-witness of this event. The whole crucifixion scene was deeply moving. This was the last of the activities and John felt moved to write the following words.

“And he who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you may believe.”

John 19:35

1. “And he who has seen has testified”

a. “And he who has seen”
i. He was bearing witness as an eye-witness.
ii. He could not help but be deeply moved by what he had seen.
b. “Has testified”
i. He was bearing witness.
ii. His testimony as an eye-witness was invaluable.

2. “His testimony is true”

a. He vouches for what he has seen.
b. He makes a declaration that what he is writing is indeed true.
c. There were other witnesses who would verify what he bears witness of:
i. The women disciples John 19:25
ii. Mary, the mother of Jesus John 19:26-27

3. “And he knows that he is telling the truth”

a. He repeats what he had just written.
b. He reiterates for emphasis.
c. He is assured within himself what he is testifying of is indeed the truth.

4. “So that you may believe”

a. John was conscious that he was writing a book.
b. He was seeking to communicate with his readers.
c. His reasons to write was very clear: “That the readers may believe.”
d. John had come to believe in the Lord Jesus.
e. The death of Jesus made him even more committed about sharing his faith.
f. His desire for others to believe as he did became even stronger as he witnessed the crucifixion.

经文:约翰福音 19:35




《约翰福音 19:35》

1. “看见这事的那人就作见证”

a. “看见这事的那人”
i. 他以目击者的身份作见证
ii. 他不得不被所看见的事而受感动
b. “作见证”
i. 他在作见证
ii. 他以目击者的身份作的见证是关键的

2. “他的见证也是真的”

a. 他为所看见的做保证
b. 他声明了他所写的确实是真的
c. 有其他的目击者可以证实他所见证的:
i. 女门徒 《约翰福音 19:25》
ii. 马利亚,耶稣的母亲 《约翰福音 19:26-27》

3. “并且他知道自己所说的是真的”

a. 他重申了自己所写的
b. 他重申的目的是要强调
c. 他坚信自己所见证的的确是真实的


a. 约翰清楚意识到自己在写一本书
b. 他希望与他的读者传达这信息
c. 他写作的理由很明确:“叫读者也可以信”
d. 约翰已相信主耶稣
e. 耶稣的死使他更坚持分享他的信实
f. 约翰渴望别人如他一样地相信耶稣。当他目睹了耶稣被钉死后,这渴望变得更加强烈。