Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 19

Questions Raised

Text: John 3:9-11

“Nicodemus answered and said to Him, ‘How can these things be?’
Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness.’”

John 3:9-11


Nicodemus could not fully grasp what the Lord Jesus was saying. This was a teaching that was new to him. He also feared the implications of what Jesus had said.

1.He was obviously not “born again”.

2.He feared that he would not be able to see the kingdom of God if he was not “born again”.

3.Deep down, he feared that what Jesus had said to him was correct but he was not quite sure how he should address the matter further!

Thus he lamely said, “How can these things be?”


Jesus had to deal with the deeper problem that He knew existed in the heart of Nicodemus.

1. The teacher of Israel

a. Nicodemus was an acclaimed teacher of Israel.
b. Some of the deeper problems would include the following:
i. Pride
ii. Disdain of the teaching of Jesus because He was not as well-educated as Nicodemus.
iii. Rejection of the teachings of Jesus (overt or subtle).

2. “Do not know these things”

a. This was a gentle rebuke.
b. The truth should have become obvious to Nicodemus.
c. But he would have to humble himself to Jesus, confessing his sins and ignorance.
d. This was a difficult thing to do for a famous teacher.

3.“You do not receive Our witness”

a. God had spoken to Israel through His servants the prophets but was rejected.
b. Jesus had come to teach Israel great truths too but He was not easily believed in.
c. The problem of rejection of the truth was a very real problem that had to be addressed.


经文:约翰福音 3: 9-11

耶稣回答说:“你是以色列人的先生,还不明白这事吗? 我实实在在地告诉你;我们所说的,是我们知道的;我们所见证的,是我们见过的;你们却不领受我们的见证。”

《约翰福音 3: 9-11》 



1. 尼哥底母明显还未 “重生”

2. 他畏惧若还未 “重生”,便看不见上帝的国度

3. 他内心深处畏惧耶稣所说的是正确的,但却不知如何进一步解决这问题!

4. 因此,他缺乏说服力地说:“怎能有这事呢?”




a. 尼哥底母是以色列人当中广受好评的先生
b. 他心中更深沉的问题有以下几项:
i. 骄傲
ii. 鄙视耶稣的教训,因为论教育水平,他与耶稣是同等的。
iii. 拒绝耶稣的教诲(公然或不明显的)

2. 还不明白这事吗?

a. 这是温柔的训诫
b. 真理对尼哥底母应该变得十分明显
c. 但他必须谦卑地向耶稣认罪,表示自己无知
d. 这对这著名的先生来说太难了


a. 上帝已通过祂的仆人(先知们)对以色列晓谕,但被拒绝了
b. 耶稣也来教导以色列伟大的真理,但祂也不轻易被人相信
c. 拒绝真理的问题是实在的,这必须被解决