Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 24

The Imagery of Light

Text: John 3:19-20

“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”

John 3:19


1. Jesus is the Light sent by God (John 1:4a).

2. The Light of God comes with life (John 1:4b).

3. The fullness of that Light is seen in the Lord Jesus Christ when He came into the world.

4. The brightness of the Light He brought is evidenced in His life.

5. He offers “light” to all who would come to Him in faith.

a. In His Light we see a great and loving God.
b. In the Light of His teaching we see hope of salvation and not condemnation.
c. In the Light of His love we have a hope of forgiveness of sins.
d. In the Light of Christ Jesus, we will not be condemned but have everlasting life.
e. In the Light of the gospel we are able to come to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
f. In the Light of this new life given to us, we are able to enjoy a wonderful relationship with God.
g. We are enabled to walk in the Light and not in darkness anymore.


1. Darkness is the opposite of “light”.

2. A solemn truth declared

a. People love darkness more than light.
b. Many find it hard to do the following:
i. To admit that there are sins in life.
ii. To confront these sins.
iii. To confess these sins to God.
iv. They refuse to give up their sinful ways.
c. The darkness of evil:
i. Evil entraps and enslaves.
ii. Dark deeds of evil remain unconfessed and thus unforgiven.
d. Condemnation takes place because the offer of salvation from Jesus the Saviour is rejected.

经文:约翰福音 3:19-20


《约翰福音 3: 19》


1. 耶稣是上帝差遣来的光《约翰福音 1: 4a》

2. 上帝的光是带有生命的 《约翰福音 1: 4b》

3. 当主耶稣基督降世的时候,我们可看到祂充满这光

4. 祂的生命明显显现祂所带来这光是极为明亮的

5. 所有以信心来到祂面前的,祂都会给予这 “光”

a. 在祂的光里,我们看到一位伟大和富有爱的上帝
b. 在祂教诲的光里,我们看到救恩的盼望而不是被定罪
c. 在祂爱的光里,我们有从罪孽中被宽恕的盼望
d. 在耶稣基督的光里,我们不会被定罪,反得永生。
e. 在福音的光里,我们能够在主耶稣基督内找到这信实
f. 在这被赐予的新生命的光里,我们能够享有和上帝这美好的关系
g. 我们能够在光里行走,无须处在黑暗之中


1. 黑暗是 “光” 的相反

2. 以下宣告了一个严肃的真理

a. 人们爱黑暗多过于光
b. 许多人觉得要做到以下事物是困难的:
i. 承认生命里存在着罪孽
ii. 坦然面对这些罪孽
iii. 向上帝承认这些罪孽
iv. 他们不愿放弃他们的恶行
c. 邪恶的黑暗
i. 邪恶会使我们陷入落网并受奴役
ii. 邪恶在黑暗中的行为没被忏悔,因此也无法得到宽恕
d. 由于人们拒绝耶稣我们救主所给予的救恩, 他们会被定罪