Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 403

A Lack Of Knowledge For The Scripture

Text: John 20: 9 - 10


There was faith in the heart of John when he entered into the empty tomb of Jesus. But there was still a lack of full comprehension of the significance of the empty tomb.

“For as yet they did not know the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead. Then the disciples went away again to their own homes.” 

John 20:9-10

1. “For as yet they did not know the Scripture”

a. The Lord Jesus had taught them the Scripture.
b. He had repeated Himself concerning His rising from the dead time and again.
c. But they had not comprehended what the Scripture had meant.

2. The problems that hindered their comprehension of the Scriptures

The following may have contributed to the problem:
a. Their little faith.
b. Their over-wrought emotions.
c. Their lack of spiritual maturity.
d. Their unbelief.
e. Their hardness of heart.
f. Their lack of ability to fully comprehend the power of the Word.
g. They did not have great depth of knowledge of the Scripture.
h. Their skill of understanding Scripture had not been sharpened fully yet.

3. “That He must rise again from the dead”

a. The doctrine of the resurrection was difficult to understand.
b. They had seen Jesus raise people from the dead.
c. But this was totally different.
i. Jesus did not need anyone to remove the grave cloths.
ii. The empty tomb and the neatly arranged cloths could not be comprehended easily.
d. The significance of the resurrection was huge.

4. “Then the disciples went away again to their own homes”

a. Peter went to his home and so did John.
b. As yet, the joy that should be there in their heart was not present.

经文:约翰福音 20:9-10



“因为他们还不明白圣经的意思,就是耶稣必要从死里复活。 于是两个门徒回自己的住处去了。”

《约翰福音 20:9-10》

1. “因为他们还不明白圣经的意思”

a. 主耶稣教导了他们圣经的话语
b. 祂多次重复关于祂将从死里复活的事
c. 不过他们还无法理解圣经的意思

2. 阻拦他们理解圣经的问题:

a. 他们信心不足
b. 他们悲不自胜
c. 他们在属灵里不够成熟
d. 他们的不信
e. 他们愚顽的心
f. 他们无法完全理解圣经的大能
g. 他们对于圣经的理解不深
h. 他们理解圣经的能力还不够尖锐

3. “就是耶稣必要从死里复活”

a. 复活的教义并不容易理解
b. 他们见过耶稣使人复活
c. 不过这完全不一样
i. 耶稣并不需要任何人来摘下坟墓的衣着
ii. 空荡的坟墓和整齐摆着的布的意义并不容易理解
d. 耶稣复活的意义极为重大

4. “于是两个门徒回自己的住处去了”

a. 彼得和约翰回到他们各自的家
b. 当时,应该在他们心中的喜乐并不存在