Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 411

The Significant Manifestation Of The Risen Saviour

Text: John 20: 23


This appearance of the Risen Saviour had great significance. The following may be noted:

1. Assurance

The Disciples would now be fully assured that their faith in Jesus was not in vain. He had overcome death by His resurrection.

2. Sent with a mission to accomplish

They had been trained by the Lord Jesus for three years. They had been taught much. They had also experienced many things in the company of their Teacher. Thy had a better understanding of being “sent”.

3. Receiving the Holy Spirit

They had just experienced the power of the Spirit of God. His power would stand them in good stead personally. His power would help them succeed in their ministry.


There was one more thing that the Lord Jesus would give them so that they could be effective in their ministry.

If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; If you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

John 20:23

1. Authority for ministry

a. This is not inherent in the disciples.
b. This authority had to be given (entrusted).

2. What kind of authority is this?

a. Authority to forgive sins is huge responsibility.
b. Authority to retain sins is just as huge a responsibility.

3. The essence of God’s forgiveness

a. God alone has the authority to forgive sins.
b. He can overlook sin.
c. He can grant pardon for sins committed.
d. He can cleanse a person’s heart of sin.

4. The essence of authority to forgive or retain sins

a. It is not exactly the same as that of God’s fullness of authority.
b. It is a verbal authority.
c. It is a declarative authority that brings about a sense of relief and assurance of God’s forgiveness.

经文:约翰福音 20:23



1. 给门徒的确据


2. 差遣门徒完成使命


3. 使门徒领受圣灵





《约翰福音 20:23》

1. 职事中的权柄

a. 门徒本身并没有这权柄
b. 这权柄必须被交托给他们

2. 这权柄是什么呢?

a. 拥有赦免罪的权柄是个重大的责任
b. 拥有留下罪的权柄,责任也同样重大

3. 上帝赦免罪的本质

a. 唯独上帝有权柄赦免罪
b. 祂能宽恕罪
c. 祂能赦免所犯下的罪
d. 祂能将有罪的心洁净

4. 受托赦免或留下罪的权柄的本质

a. 受托的权柄和属于上帝丰满的权柄截然不同
b. 门徒所获的只是宣告的权柄
c. 门徒获权向人宣告上帝的赦免,以为他们带来解脱与保证