Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 412

A Disciple Who Could Not Be Easily Convinced

Text: John 20: 24 - 25


All the disciples had different personalities and characters. Thomas had a hard time believing his friends who told him that they had seen the Risen Saviour and Lord.

“Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said to him, ‘We have seen the Lord.’ So he said to them, ‘Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.’”

John 20:24-25

1. Thomas

a. He was one of a pair.
b. He was called “The Twin”.
i. He could have had a twin brother.
ii. He could have a twin sister.
c. He was one of “The twelve”.

2. “Was not with them when Jesus came”

a. We are not told why he was not there with the other disciples.
b. He had missed the opportunity to see the Risen Saviour when He appeared to the others.

3. “The other disciples”

a. They witnessed to him.
b. They shared about Jesus with gladness of heart.

4. Inappropriate response of Thomas

a. Unless he personally saw the Risen Saviour, he would not believe.
b. Unless he saw His wounded hands, he would not believe.
c. Unless he put his hand into the wound at the side of Jesus, he would not believe.


Thomas had no reason to make such conditions to the Lord. The following nuances may be noted:

1. There was unbelief.

2. There was stubbornness.

3. There was pride.

4. There was no recall of what Jesus had taught him about understanding His identity (John 14:5-7).

经文:约翰福音 20:24-25




《约翰福音 20:24-25》

1. 多马

a. 他是双生子之一
b. 他也被称为“低土马”
i. 他可能有个孪生兄弟
ii. 或者孪生姐妹
c. 他是“十二门徒”的其中一位

2. “耶稣来的时候,他没有和他们同在”

a. 我们不知道多马当时为什么没和其他的门徒在一起
b. 当复活的救主显现给其他人看时,多马错失了亲眼目睹的机会

3. “那些门徒”

a. 他们向他作见证
b. 他们以极大的喜乐分享了主耶稣的事

4. 多马不恰当的反应

a. 多马说除非他亲眼看见复活的救主,否则他不会相信
b. 他说除非他见了耶稣手上的钉痕,否则他不会相信
c. 他说除非他用手探入祂的肋旁,否则他不会相信



1. 他疑惑

2. 他顽固

3. 他骄傲

4. 他完全不记得耶稣曾教过他们关于祂的身份的教诲《约翰福音 14:5-7》