Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 41

Rejected at Nazareth

Text: John 4:43-45


Jesus had sought to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in Nazareth, His hometown. This was not recorded in the Gospel of John. However, this was noted in the Gospel of Mark. His hometown found it hard to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. They rejected Him outright (Mark 6:1-6). Their unbelief caused Jesus to marvel at them (Mark 6:6)! There was no solid reason to reject Jesus at all! The rejection prompted a remark made by Jesus. “A prophet has no honour in his own country.” (John 4:44)


The reception of the teachings of Jesus in Samaria stands out in the most remarkable manner! So many had come to salvation and had been blessed with everlasting life (John 4:39, 41).

1. Deep ethnic problems had been set aside.

2. Many hearts were receptive to Jesus.

3. The word of God had stirred up the heart to come alive to Jesus in new-found faith.


Jesus returned to Galilee after a successful two-day ministry in Samaria! He chose to minister in Galilee. What was the reception like?

1. The Galileans received Jesus well

a. They welcomed Him.
b. They were very open to His teachings.
c. They were a sharp contrast to the people of Nazareth.

2. One particular reason stood out

a. The Galileans who welcomed Jesus had seen His miracles performed in Jerusalem (John 4:45).
b. They too had gone to the feast in Jerusalem (John 4:45).
c. These were devout Jews whose hearts were already well-disposed to hearing the gospel Jesus proclaimed.
d. The sign-miracles had caused them to consider believing in Jesus as their personal Saviour.

3. The feast at Jerusalem

a. This is a reference to the Feast of the Passover (John 2:23).
b. This was one of three annual Feasts that devout Jews endeavoured to attend every year.
c. At the Feast, Jesus had performed many signs (John 2:23).
d. Nicodemus had been most impressed (John 3:2).
e. The Galileans who went up to Jerusalem saw the same signs.
f. Thus, they received (an alternative word in translation would be “welcomed”) Jesus well.

They too received the promised gift of everlasting life through faith in Jesus the Saviour and Lord.

经文: 约翰福音 4: 43-45


耶稣尝试在祂的家乡拿撒勒宣传有关上帝的国度的福音。这并没有记录在约翰福音里。然而,这在马可福音可以读到。耶稣的家乡无法相信耶稣就是弥赛亚。他们直接拒绝了耶稣《马可福音 6: 1-6》。耶稣也诧异他们不信《马可福音 6: 6》!他们完全没有坚实的理由来拒绝耶稣!对厌弃耶稣的行为,耶稣说了这句话:“先知在本地是没有人尊敬的。”《约翰福音 4: 44》


撒玛利亚接纳耶稣的教训非常引人注目!许多人得到救恩,并且被赐予永生《约翰福音 4: 39-41》。

1. 他们抛开深厚的民族问题

2. 许多人接受了耶稣

3. 上帝的话语激动了他们的心灵,让他们以这新的信心对耶酥活跃起来



1. 加利利人很好地接纳了耶稣

a. 他们欢迎祂
b. 他们非常愿意接受祂的教训
c. 他们与拿撒勒人形成了明显的对比

2. 一个突出的特别原因

a. 接待耶稣的加利利人曾看见耶稣在耶路撒冷所施行的一切神迹《约翰福音 4: 45》
b. 他们也去了耶路撒冷过节《约翰福音 4: 45》
c. 这些都是虔诚的犹太人,他们的心已有意于听取耶稣所宣扬的福音
d. 这些神迹和大异能促使他们来考虑信耶稣为他们的个人救主

3. 在耶路撒冷的节

a. 这指的是逾越节《约翰福音 2: 23》
b. 虔诚的犹太人会尽力出席三个一年一度的节日,这是节日之一
c. 在这节日,耶稣施行了许多神迹《约翰福音 2: 23》
d. 这给尼哥底母留下了深刻的印象《约翰福音 3: 2》
e. 到耶路撒冷的加利利人也见到了同样的神迹
f. 因此,他们接待 (“欢迎” 是 “接待” 的另一个替代翻译) 了耶稣。通过对耶稣这救主的信心,他们也被赐予了所应许的永生。