Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 43

Religious Feasts

Text: John 5:1-8; Leviticus 23


Religious feasts were planned and given by God to the nation of Israel (Leviticus 23). They were designed to help Israel do the following things:

1. Congregate together for the purpose of special remembrance and worship.

2. Commemorate special events or occasions that were of special significance.

3. Celebrate together so that a tremendous sense of gratitude may be created in the heart towards God, the Giver of all blessings.

4. Consecrate themselves to serve God faithfully and joyfully.


The religious Feasts were to be celebrated faithfully. These were to be regarded as “holy convocations” (Leviticus 23:1-2). The following may be highlighted:

1. The Sabbath (Leviticus 23:3)

2. The Passover and Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:4-8)

a. The Passover was celebrated for one day.
b. The Feast of the Unleavened Bread was to be celebrated for one week.

These Feasts were often celebrated together because they followed each other closely.

3. The Feast of Firstfruits (Leviticus 23:9-14)

a. This was a Feast to celebrate the Harvest of wheat.
b. Firstfruits were offered to God in anticipation of the full harvest.

4. The Feast of Weeks (also called Pentecost) (Leviticus 23:15-22)

a. This was also a Harvest Feast – to celebrate the Harvest of Barley.
b. Parts of the field were to be left unharvested so that the poor may glean what was left behind.

5. The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:26-32)

a. This was the only day set aside for fasting and special prayers.
b. The affliction of the soul was to be the focus of this religious event (seeking forgiveness of sins).

6. The Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:33-36)

a. This was to remember the time when ancient Israel lived in tents in the Wilderness on their way to Canaan, the Promised Land.
b. Israel was not to forget how the Lord had wonderfully kept and protected them.

经文:约翰福音 5: 1-8,利末记 23


宗教的节期是上帝规划并给予以色列的《利末记 23》。它们是为了帮助以色列做以下的事:

1. 为了特别纪念与崇拜而聚集在一起

2. 为了纪念有特别意义的事件或场合

3. 为了使心中对那赐福的上帝感激而聚集在一起庆祝

4. 为了把他们分别为圣,忠实地,欣然地侍奉上帝


宗教的节期是要忠实地庆祝的。它们要被视为 “圣会的节期”《利末记 23: 1-2》。


1. 安息日《利末记 23: 3》

2. 逾越节与无酵节《利末记 23: 4-8》

a. 逾越节要庆祝一天
b. 无酵节要庆祝一个星期

3. 初熟的庄稼的节期《利末记 23: 9-14》

a. 这个节期是为了庆祝收割庄稼
b. 初熟的庄稼是为了期盼丰收而献给上帝

4. 七七节 (也称圣灵降临节)《利末记 23: 15-22》

a. 这也是庆祝收割的节期 – 为了庆祝大麦的收割
b. 田角不可割尽,要留给穷人拾取所遗落的

5. 赎罪日《利末记 23: 26-32》

a. 这是为了特别禁食和祈祷的一个节期
b. 这个节期的关注是灵的逼迫(祈求罪的宽恕)

6. 住棚节《利末记 23: 33-36》

a. 为了纪念以色列在前往迦南,应许之地在旷野里居住在帐篷里的时候
b. 以色列不能忘记上帝如何美好地保守和保护他们