Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 50

Blessed Assurance

Text: John 5:24


Jesus knew that what He was teaching would seem astonishing to people. Nevertheless, what He said was absolutely true! He had a wonderful way of bringing great assurance to the hearts of sincere hearers!

Most assuredly, I say to you, He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me Has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, But has passed from death to life.

John 5:24

1. Most assuredly

a. This became a “trademark statement of Jesus
b. This phrase is like a preface to an important statement that He was about to make
c. Literal translation: “Amen, Amen, I say to you”
d. The word “Amen”
i. It is a Hebrew word
ii. It is used at the end of a prayer
iii. It may be translated also as “Truly, truly”  (KJV)

2. I say to you

a. Jesus was speaking in His great official capacity
b. As the only begotten Son of God, the Messiah
c. As the Judge to whom God has given all authority and power

3. The promise of everlasting life

a. To the one who hears His word
b. And this individual also believes in God who had sent Jesus
i. The word of Jesus is the basic content of the gospel message
ii. There must be faith that Jesus has a message from God
iii. There must be faith in Jesus as the One who had been sent by God

4. Shall not come to judgment but has passed from death to life

a. What an uplifting promise this is
b. A true believer need not fear the Judgment of God
c. He has already been granted eternal life
d. What blessed assurance we have from the Lord Jesus Christ!

经文:约翰福音 5: 24




《约翰福音 5: 24》

1. 实实在在地

a. 这成为了耶稣的 “商标” 声明
b. 这短语如同祂在表达重要声明时的前言
c. 字面翻译:“阿门, 阿门, 我告诉你们”
d. “阿门” 这词
i. 它是希伯来文
ii. 它在祷告结束时使用
iii. 它也可以翻译为 “真实的,真实的”

2. 我告诉你们

a. 耶稣是以祂伟大的正式身份发言的
b. 祂是以上帝的独生子,弥赛亚的身份
c. 祂是以上帝赋予一切权柄和大能的审判者的身份

3. 永生的应许

a. 给予听祂话的人
b. 这人也信差耶稣来的上帝
i. 耶稣的话语是福音信息的基本内容
ii. 必须要有信心相信耶稣有来自上帝的信息
iii. 必须要有信心相信耶稣就是上帝所差遣的

4. “不至于定罪,是已经出死入生了”

a. 这是多么令人振奋的应许
b. 一个真实的信徒不必惧怕上帝的审判
c. 他已被赐予永生
d. 主耶稣基督给予我们的是何等美好有福的确据!