Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 62

The Way of the World

Text: John 5:43-44


The Jews reflected the reality of people who had adopted the ways of the world! This hindered them further from coming to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and eternal life!

“I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. How can you believe, who receive honour from one another, and do not seek the honour that comes from the only God?” 

John 5:43-44

1. “I have come in My Father’s name”

a. This was an old prophetic tradition.
b. All the prophets were sent out by the Lord God.
i. They represented God.
ii. They had a message from the Lord.
iii. They were anointed by God to preach and to minister to the people.

2. “And you do not receive Me”

a. Jesus was despised.
b. His teachings were rejected.
c. They did not receive Him (John 1:11).

3. “If another comes in his own name, him you will receive”

a. The Jews would easily accept the following:
i. Those who sought their approval and honour.
ii. Those who would defer to them instead of to the truth.
b. Those who came in their own name:
i. They were not sent by God.
ii. They would be friends of the Jews, by and large.

4. “How can you believe”

a. If they were to practise the system of receiving honour from each other.
b. If they do not seek the honour that comes from God.
c. Their man-made, worldly system would hinder them from coming to faith in the Lord.
d. They were too proud to own up to the fact that they were wrong!

As long as these sin problems were not addressed, they would not be able to come to faith in Jesus!

经文:约翰福音 5:43-44


犹太人反映了人们随从今世的作法的现实!这阻碍了他们亲近主耶稣, 并且得不到救赎和永生!


《约翰福音 5:43-44》

1. 我奉我父的名来

a. 这是一个古老的预言传统
b. 所有的先知都是上帝差遣的
i. 他们代表上帝
ii. 他们带着主的信息
iii. 他们从上帝受了恩膏,向人民传道和做职事

2. 你们并不接待我

a. 耶稣被藐视
b. 祂的教训被厌弃
c. 他们没有接待祂 《约翰福音 1:11》

3. 若有别人奉自己的名来,你们倒要接待他

a. 犹太人会很轻易地接受:
i. 凡寻求他们的认同与荣耀的人
ii. 凡宁愿顺从他们而不顺从真理的人
b. 那些奉自己的名来的
i. 他们不是上帝差遣的
ii. 他们大多数是犹太人的朋友

4. 怎能信耶稣呢?

a. 倘若他们实行互相受荣耀的做法
b. 倘若他们不寻求从上帝来的荣耀
c. 他们人造,世人的作法,必定阻碍他们信主
d. 他们过于骄傲,不愿承认自己犯错的现实!
