Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 64

Understanding the Ministry of Jesus

Text: John 6:1-3


Jesus had to make wise and careful decisions in life and ministry. He would minister in one area and then move on to other areas. Jesus was deeply committed to the preaching of the Gospel (Mark 1:38). He was also greatly focused on the training of His disciples.

After these things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. Then a great multitude followed Him, because they saw His signs which He performed on those who were diseased. And Jesus went up on the mountain, and there He sat with His disciples.”

John 6:1-3

 1. The Sea of Galilee

a. This was also called “The Sea of Tiberias”.
b. King Herod Antipas named it after Emperor Tiberius Caesar.
c. He owed his position as king to the Roman Emperor.

2. “A great multitude followed Him”

a. Their basic reason was simply because “they saw His signs”.
b. They saw how Jesus healed “the diseased”.
c. They had their own agenda when they decided to follow Him.
d. They were studying Jesus and seeing how they could take advantage of His powers.

3. What the text does not say

a. We are not told that they followed Jesus because of their faith.
b. They did not follow because they were deeply interested in learning from Jesus.

4. “And Jesus went up on a mountain”

a. Obviously, not everyone would be prepared to climb up a mountain just to be taught.
b. This would require a lot of effort just to climb a mountain.

5. “And there He sat with His disciples”

a. There was a difference made between “the multitudes” and “the disciples”.
b. These disciples had been walking with Jesus throughout the land of Israel.
c. They had visited many cities and they had gone on several mountains.
d. The word “sat” is to be associated with “teaching” (Matthew 5:1-2).

经文:约翰福音 6:1-3




《约翰福音 6:1-3》

1. 加利利海

a. 这也被称为 “提比哩亚海”
b. 希律安提帕王以恺撒提庇留大帝命名
c. 希律安提帕能做王,是多亏罗马帝王

2. “有许多人跟随耶稣”

a. 他们跟随耶稣的基本原因是因为 “他们看见耶稣所行的神迹”
b. 他们看见耶稣如何医治 “病人”
c. 当他们决定跟随耶稣时,是带有自己的理由的
d. 他们仔细观察耶稣,然后决定如何从耶稣的大能中谋利

3. 经文里没说的

a. 经文里没记载他们是因信心而跟随耶稣的
b. 他们也不是因为非常想向耶稣学习而跟随祂


a. 很明显的,不是每一个人都为了想跟耶稣学习而愿意爬上山
b. 爬山是需要费许多力的。

5. “和门徒一同坐在那里”

a. 这里区别了 “许多人” 与 “门徒”
b. 这些门徒在以色列各地与耶稣同行
c. 他们去过很多城市也登了几座山
d. “坐” 这词与 “教训” 是相关的《马太福音 5:1-2》