Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 86

The Hope Of Eternal Life

Text: John 6: 55-59


It is natural to be concerned about eternal matters and not just life on the earth. Jesus taught wonderful truths about having hope of eternal life!

‘For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. This is the bread which came down from heaven – not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.’ These things He said in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum.” 

John 6:55-59

 1. Eating and drinking

a) This simply means that one must fully believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) It means exercising full faith in Him.
i) Knowing Him.
ii) Believing in Him as the Son of God, the Saviour of the world.
iii) Appreciating Him as the Giver of true spiritual bread that leads to eternal life.
iv) Trusting Him as the One who will raise us up from the dead one day.
v) Abiding in the Lord Jesus with much joy and comprehension.

2. A wonderful analogy

a) Jesus gave a wonderful analogy of His relationship with His Father.
b) The Father had sent Jesus.
c) His life and that of His Father were profoundly linked.
d) He lived even as He was connected with God the Father.

3. The wonderful analogy applied

a) Those who feed on Jesus are those who have genuine faith in Him.
b) A wonderful relationship is created as a result.
c) Believers find life in Jesus for they are wonderfully connected with the Saviour.
d) They will live forever with the eternal Saviour and Lord.
e) The forefathers who did not have faith in God died even if they partook of Manna

经文: 约翰福音6:55-59




《约翰福音 6:55-59》

1. 吃喝

a) 这意味着一个人必须完全地信靠主耶稣基督
b) 这也意味着要实践在耶稣里的信心
i) 要认识耶稣
ii) 信靠耶稣为上帝的儿子及救世主
iii) 感激上帝赐予我们属灵的粮,并得以永生
iv) 相信上帝有一天会叫我们从死里复活
v) 以极大的喜乐和理解住在主耶稣里面

2. 一个很好的比喻

a) 耶稣给了一个美好的比喻,这比喻形容耶稣与祂父之间的关系
b) 天父差遣了耶稣
c) 耶稣和天父的生命紧扣在一起
d) 耶稣的生命显现祂与天父是连接的

3. 实践这美好的比喻

a) 经文中所指的粮是耶稣,吃这粮的就是在耶稣里拥有真实信心的人
b) 这创造了一种美好的关系
c) 信徒在耶稣里找到了生命,因为他们与救主美好地连接在一起
d) 他们将永远与永恒的救主活着
e) 祖宗虽吃过了吗哪,但还是因为没有信心而死了