Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 99

God's Divine Laws

Text: John 7:21


God gave the Ten Commandments through Moses to the nation of Israel. These Commandments are wonderful laws that help us to understand how we are to relate to God and to Man. These commandments are found in the Book of Exodus (Exodus 20:1-17).

1. The first four Commandments teach us how to regard God properly (man to God).

2. The last six commandments teach us how to relate to each other (man to man).


The fourth commandment was about how man was to set aside one day in a week to worship God. This law however was grossly misinterpreted and misapplied by the Jews. To them, absolutely no work must be done on the Sabbath.

Jesus had a totally different approach. It was important to set aside a day to worship God. But when one has an opportunity to do good, it is not a violation of the Sabbath at all. It is perfectly right to do that which is good on the Sabbath day, even if it seems one is working.

“Jesus answered and said to them, ‘I did one work, and you all marvel.’”  

John 7:21

1. This was a reference to Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath (John 5:1-17).

a. Jesus had tried to explain things to the Jews.
b. He declared that He was only doing what His Father wanted Him to do (John 5:17).
i. He worked on the Sabbath.
ii. Because His Father worked alongside Him.

2. There were other occasions when Jesus healed on a Sabbath.

This one may be cited for reference.

a. He healed a man with a withered arm on a Sabbath (Mark 3:1-5).
b. Jesus asked the Jews there this question.

“Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” 

Mark 3:4a

 c. The answer should be obvious.
d. But the Jews remained silent (Mark 3:4b).

3. The Lord of the Sabbath

Jesus went on to make this strong and clear statement.

The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also the Lord of the Sabbath.”       

Mark 2:27-28


The mind of the Jews remained in darkness. They were not enlightened. Instead of rejoicing with those who were wondrously healed, they sought only to find fault with Jesus!

经文:约翰福音 7:21


上帝通过摩西给了以色列国十诫。这十诫是很美好的律法, 帮助我们了解怎么和上帝及人类互动。《出埃及记记》录了这十诫《出埃及记 20:1-17》。

1. 前四诫教导我们如何恰当地看待上帝(人类与上帝)

2. 后六诫教导我们如何恰当地与彼此互动(人与人)



耶稣对此有很不一样的看法。搁出一天来敬拜上帝的确重要。但是,当一个人有机会行善,这根本不算违反安息日的律法。就算一个人在安息日似乎在工作, 若他在行善,这是完全正确的。



1. 这是指耶稣在安息日医治一位病人《约翰福音5:1-17》

a. 耶稣试图解释给犹太人
b. 祂宣称自己只是在做祂的天父要祂做的事《约翰福音5:17》
i. 祂之所以在安息日工作
ii. 是因为祂的天父与祂一起工作

2. 耶稣也有在安息日医治其他人。另一个供参考的例子是:

a. 祂在安息日医治了一个枯干一只手的人《马可福音3:1-5》
b. 耶稣问了在场的犹太人这个问题



c. 答案应当明显
d. 但是犹太人却都不作声《马可福音3:4b》

3. 安息日的主




