Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 116

Regrouping of the Enemies

Text: John 8: 13-14


The Pharisees did not stay away for long. They heard what Jesus said about being the light of the world and offering to give the light of life. Once again they challenged Jesus and His teaching.

The Pharisees therefore said to Him, ‘You bear witness of Yourself; Your witness is not true.’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going.’”                               

John 8:13-14

1. The Pharisees sought to counter what Jesus had just said

a. “You bear witness of Yourself”
i. They appealed to an Old Testament law that spoke about having witnesses to confirm truth.
ii. They had forgotten how Jesus offered four witnesses to confirm His identity (John 5:31-47).
b. “Your witness is not true”
i. The Pharisees could have rejected the four witnesses that Jesus spoke of
ii. They continued to insist that what Jesus had said (His witness) was not acceptable because it was not confirmed to be true.

2. The reply of the Lord Jesus Christ

a. “Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness is true”
i. The Old Testament Law did not declare that an individual’s witness is illegal or untruthful (Deuteronomy 17:6).
ii. The law taught that two or three witnesses would give added strength to the truth stated.
iii. Thus, the testimony of Jesus was valid for it was true that He was the light of the world.
b. “For I know where I came from”
i. Jesus had come from heaven.
ii. He had come from the bosom of His Father.
iii. He had been sent by the Father to make redemption possible.
iv. Jesus did not need anyone to confirm His identity.
c. “And where I am going”
i. Jesus looked forward to returning to His Father’s bosom when His work was done.
ii. There was full confidence and certainty in what He said and did.
d. ‘You do not know where I come from and where I am going’
i. This was a stark reality that had to be pointed out.
ii. The Jews knew next to nothing about the identity of the Lord Jesus Christ!

经文:约翰福音 8:13-14




《约翰福音 8:13-14》

1. 法利赛人试图反抗耶稣所说的

a. “你是为自己作见证”
i. 他们想借旧约里要有见证人证实真理的律法
ii. 他们忘了耶稣已有四名见证证实祂的身份《约翰福音 5:31-47》
b. “你的见证不真”
i. 法利赛人有可能拒绝了耶稣所说的四名见证
ii. 他们继续坚持耶稣所说的(祂的见证)不能被接受,因为这个见证没有被证实

2. 主耶稣基督的回应

a. “我虽然为自己作见证,我的见证还是真的”
i. 旧约的律法并没有说个人的见证是非法或不诚实的《申命记 17:6》
ii. 律法教的是如果有两到三名的见证人,会加强所陈述的事实
iii. 因此耶稣的见证是有效的,因为祂的确是世界的光
b. “因我知道我从哪里来”
i. 耶稣是从天上来的
ii. 祂是从祂天父的怀中来的
iii. 祂是被天父差遣来救赎世人的
iv. 耶稣并不需要任何人来证实祂的身份
c. “往哪里去”
i. 耶稣向往在祂的工作完结后,回到祂天父的怀中
ii. 祂所说和做的一切都拥有着完全的信心和确定
d. “你们却不知道我从哪里来,往哪里去”
i. 这是一个应当指出的严酷的现实
ii. 犹太人对耶稣的身份几乎一无所知!