Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 120

A Word of Warning

Text: John 8: 21-22


Though Jesus knew the Jews hated Him, nevertheless He sought to teach them important truths. Perhaps a word of warning would help them where gentle words of teaching did not go very far.

“Then Jesus said to them again, ‘I am going away, and you will seek Me, and will die in your sin. Where I go you cannot come.’ So the Jews said, ‘Will He kill Himself, because He says, ‘Where I go you cannot come?’’”

John 8:21-22

1. Grave but gentle words of warning

a. “I am going away”
i. This was a reference to His impending death.
ii. Soon His hour would come and He would be crucified.
b. “And you will seek Me”
i. It would be too late then.
ii. They would not see Jesus face to face again.
c. “And will die in your sin”
i. Their sin would remain.
ii. They had not sought forgiveness.
iii. They had continued to walk in darkness.
iv. Death would be the consequence of their wicked and foolish actions.
d. “Where I go you cannot come”
i. Jesus would return to His Father in heaven.
ii. They would not be able to enter Heaven for they had sinned so grievously against the Lord.

2. “So the Jews said”

a. They rejected what Jesus said.
b. They misconstrued His words.
c. To the Jews committing suicide was one of the worst sins imaginable.
d. They agreed that they would not go where Jesus would go… they would never commit suicide.
e. The rejection of this word of warning only confirmed that what Jesus said about them was correct and true. They would die in their sin for they were totally unrepentant.

经文: 约翰福音 8:21-22




《约翰福音 8:21-22》

1. 严厉但温和的警告

a. “我要去了”
i. 这指的是耶稣即将面对的死亡
ii. 耶稣的时候即将到来,且祂会被钉死在十架上
b. “你们要找我”
i. 那时已经太迟了
ii. 他们不会再次面对耶稣
c. “你们要死在罪中”
i. 他们的罪仍然存在
ii. 他们没有寻求宽恕
iii. 他们继续在黑暗中行走
iv. 死亡将会是他们邪恶和愚蠢的行为的后果
d. “我所去的地方你们不能到”
i. 耶稣将回到天国与祂的父同在
ii. 他们无法进入天国,因为他们对主所犯的罪极为严重

2. “犹太人说”

a. 他们拒绝了耶稣的话语
b. 他们误解了祂的话,他们以为耶稣要自尽
c. 自尽对犹太人来说是最严重的罪行之一
d. 他们同意耶稣所去的地方他们不能去……因为他们永远不可能选择自尽
e. 他们拒绝耶稣的警告证实了耶稣所说的是正确的。他们会为自己的罪而死,因为他们终不悔改。