Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 124

A Change of Heart?

Text: John 8: 29-30


As Jesus spoke to the Jews, it appeared as if there was a change of heart among some of them.

“‘And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him.’ As He spoke these words, many believed in Him.”

John 8:29-30

1. “And He who sent Me is with Me”

a. Jesus spoke:
i. With conviction.
ii. With courage.
iii. With certainty and clarity.
b. His testimony about His Father.
i. God had sent Him.
ii. The Father was with Him.
iii. He had not left Jesus to minister alone.

2. “For I always do those things that please Him”

a. Jesus was certainly not a people-pleaser.
i. He never sought to please the Sanhedrin Council.
ii. He had not sought to please His disciples too; often He had to rebuke them.
iii. He did not seek to please the multitudes.
b. He had never compromised His teachings.
i. He taught truth powerfully.
ii. Even if His teachings were hard to accept.
c. He had always sought only to please His Father and no one else.
i. Such was His love for His Father.
ii. Such was His commitment and obedience to Him.

3. “As He spoke these words, many believed in Him”

a. What would constitute belief In Jesus?
b. Was there a genuine change of heart?

经文:约翰福音 8:29-30




《约翰福音 8:29-30》

1. “那差我来的是与我同在”

a. 耶稣的语气:
i. 有坚定的信念
ii. 有勇气
iii. 有确定性和清晰度
b. 对祂父的见证
i. 上帝差祂来
ii. 祂的父与祂同在
iii. 祂没有撇下耶稣单独事奉

2. “因为我常做他所喜悦的事”

a. 耶稣确实不是一个故意讨好别人的人
i. 祂从未试图取悦犹太公会
ii. 祂也没有试图取悦祂的门徒,反而经常得责备他们
iii. 他没有试图取悦众人
b. 祂的教训从未受到妥协
i. 祂有力地教导真理
ii. 即使祂的教训很难被众人接受
c. 祂唯独只是为了取悦祂的父,而不是其他人
i. 这就是祂对父的爱
ii. 这是祂对父的承诺和顺服

3. “耶稣说这话的时候,就有许多人信他”

a. 什么才能构成对耶稣的信实?
b. 他们内心真的改变了吗?