Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 129

A Very Sensitive Issue

Text: John 8: 37-38


The Jews in the days of Jesus took very great pride in their race and in their ancestry. The matter of ancestry was a very delicate matter. Nevertheless, Jesus had to address this matter.

“I know that you are Abraham’s descendants, but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you. I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father.”

John 8:37-38

1. “I know that you are Abraham’s descendants”

a. Jesus was making an observation of historical fact.
b. Jews may indeed claim to be Abraham’s descendants.
c. Jesus acknowledged the racial ancestry of the Jews.

2. “But you seek to kill Me”

a. Jesus noted the murderous intent of the Jews.
b. They sought to kill Him.
c. The intended meaning of this remark:
i. A murderous intent was never in Abraham’s blood.
ii. He was a good and honourable man whom God called His “friend”.
iii. It was sad to see the descendants of Abraham display sinful and murderous inclinations!

3. “Because My word has no place in you”

a. The Jews had indeed rejected the word (the teaching) of Jesus.
b. His word, the gospel that He preached had no place in their hearts at all.
c. The true descendants of Abraham would have been more spiritually inclined than these Jews.

4. “I speak what I have seen with My Father”

a. Jesus gave an illustration of His relationship with His Father.
b. One who is a true Son would speak of what He has seen with His Father.

5. “And you do what you have seen with your father”

a. Jesus was hinting that His Father was not the same as the father of the Jews.
b. The Jews were doing what they had seen with their father.
c. Jesus was not making a reference to Father Abraham when He said these words!
(He would be making Himself clear as He explained further.)

经文:約翰福音 8:37-38




《约翰福音 8:37-38》

1. “我知道你们是亚伯拉罕的子孙”

a. 耶稣正在观察历史的事实
b. 犹太人可以确实声称是亚伯拉罕的子孙
c. 耶稣承认犹太人的种族血统

2. “你们却想要杀我”

a. 耶稣注意到犹太人的凶恶意图
b. 他们试图杀害祂
c. 这句话的意图:
i. 亚伯拉罕的血统里从来没有凶恶的意图
ii. 他是一位善良而正义的人,上帝称他为 “朋友”
iii. 看到亚伯拉罕的子孙表现出罪恶和谋杀的倾向令人很难过!

3. “因为你们心里容不下我的道”

a. 犹太人确实拒绝了耶稣的道(教训)
b. 他们心里容不下祂的话语与祂所传的福音
c. 亚伯拉罕的真正子孙应该比这些犹太人更倾向于属灵性的事物

4. “我所说的,是在我父那里看见的”

a. 耶稣举例说明了祂与父亲的关系
b. 一个真正的儿子会讲述祂与祂的父所看见的

5. “你们所行的,是在你们的父那里听见的”

a. 耶稣暗示祂的父与犹太人的父不一样
b. 犹太人正在做他们与他们的父见过的事
c. 当耶稣说这些话时,他指的不是父亚伯拉罕!