Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 144

Important Information

Text: John 9:5


As we read the Gospel of John, we learn important things about the Lord Jesus Christ. Two things stand out especially:

1. His consciousness

a) He was conscious that He was sent by God His Father to save the world.
b) He was conscious that He was the Son of God.
c) He was conscious of being the Living Bread that came from Heaven.
d) He was conscious of being the Light of the world.

2. His commitment

a) He was committed to fulfil all that God had assigned Him to do.
b) He was committed to proclaim the truth no matter how difficult the task may be.
c) He was committed to feeding people with the Bread of heaven.
d) He was committed to shining as the Light of the world.


Jesus always sought to fulfil the different needs that presented themselves. He would always seek to be the Light that He was!

“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

John 9:5

1. There was much darkness in the land

a) Spiritual ignorance among the religious teachers (Nicodemus, John 3).
b) Following wrong doctrines (The Samaritan woman, John 4).
c) A lack of faith despite good and deep teachings (The Jews, John 5).
d) Seeking only physical blessings (Feeding of the five thousand, John 6).
e) Holding fast to traditions but spiritually impoverished (Celebrating Feast Days, John 7).
f) Using the Law of God improperly yet seeking to find fault with Jesus (The Jews, John 8).

2. There was a need to shine forth

a) “As long as I am in the world”
i) Jesus was most aware of how brief a time He had on earth.
ii) He maintained this special sense of consciousness.
b) “I am the light of the world”

This was what He had declared (John 8:12). This was what He continued to maintain (John 9:5)




1. 祂的意识

a) 祂意识祂是受到天父的差遣来拯救世人
b) 祂意识祂是上帝的儿子
c) 祂意识祂是从天降下生命的粮
d) 祂是世上的光

2. 祂的承诺

a) 祂将实践上帝指定的工
b) 祂将宣扬真理,无论这有多么艰难
c) 祂将以生命的粮喂饱食人
d) 祂以光照耀世人





1. 世间充满着黑暗

a) 文士与法利赛人们在属灵方面的无知《尼哥底母,约翰3》
b) 跟着错的教训《撒马利亚妇人,约翰4》
c) 即使有优越深奥的教训,信心却不足《犹太人,约翰5》
d) 单单寻求肉体上的赐福《给五千人吃饱,约翰6》
e) 跟着犹太传统,却在属灵方面贫穷《庆祝节日,约翰7》
f) 错误使用上帝的律法,却想将耶稣顶罪《犹太人,约翰8》

2. 需要光来照耀

a) “我在世上的时候”
i) 耶稣意识到祂在世上的时间短暂
ii) 祂保持这特别意识
b) “是世上的光”
