Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 152

Third Interview with the Former Blind Man

Text: John 9: 24-25


The interview with the parents of the former blind man did not go very well for the Pharisees. They were not able to make the parents rally around them and their theory that the man had not been born blind. They went back to interviewing the former blind man once again.

“So they again called the man who was blind, and said to him, ‘Give God the glory! We know that this Man is a sinner.’ He answered and said, ‘Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.’”

John 9:24-25

1. “So they again called the man who was blind”

a) There was a slight change of approach.
b) The question of “glory”:
i) The man was giving glory to Jesus who healed him.
ii) The Pharisees felt that glory should be given to God.
c) “We know that this Man is a sinner”
i) This was the argument the Pharisees were pursuing.
ii) They were convinced that Jesus was a sinner.
iii) Therefore, no glory should be given to Him.

2. The reply of the former blind man

a) He was not going to engage the Pharisees on the subject of glory.
b) He did not know enough of theology to discuss such a subject.
c) Thus, he did not comment on this subject of “glory”.
d) However, he could comment on this fact:
i) He was born blind.
ii) All his life he had lived a miserable life as a blind man.
iii) But now he could see!
iv) This was a fact that could not be disputed.
v) This was nothing short of a miracle.
vi) There was no way in which he would deny the fact that he could now see.
vii) He would not succumb to any threat or any fear.






1. “所以法利赛人第二次叫了那从前瞎眼的人来”

a) 他们的查究方法略有改变
b) “荣耀”的问题:
i) 那个瞎子正将荣耀归给医治他的耶稣
ii) 法利赛人认为他该将荣耀归给上帝
c) “我们知道这人是个罪人”
i) 这是法利赛人所追求的论点
ii) 他们确信耶稣是个罪人
iii) 因此,不应该把荣耀归给祂

2. 从前瞎眼的人的反应

a) 他不打算与法利赛人争论荣耀的问题
b) 他不要讨论此事,因为他自知他对神学的理解不够深
c) 因此,他没有对“荣耀”这个问题作出任何评论
d) 但是,他能够对以下事实作出评论:
i) 他生来就瞎眼
ii) 他一生都过着瞎子的悲惨生活
iii) 但他如今能看见了!
iv) 这是一个无可否认的事实
v) 这简直就是神迹
vi) 他无法否认他现在能看得见的事实
vii) 他不会屈服于任何威胁或恐吓