Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 153

Relentless Pursuit

Text: John 9: 26-27


The Pharisees were relentless in their pursuit to persecute or harass Jesus. They were determined to blacken His name in any way!

“Then they said to him again, ‘What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?’ He answered them, ‘I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become His disciples?’”

John 9:26-27

1. “Then they said to him again”

a) What did He do to you?
b) How did He open your eyes?
c) Why were the Pharisees pursuing this line of questioning?
d) The following thoughts may be considered:
i) They were trying to find inconsistency in the words of the former blind
ii) They were trying to find fault with Jesus in any possible way.
iii) They wanted to prove that Jesus was not the Messiah.
iv) They wanted to prove that Jesus was a sinner instead.
v) They were resorting to all sorts of cunning to obtain what they desired.

2. The retort of the former blind man

a) He may have been blind but he was certainly not stupid.
b) He was full of courage as he stood up to the over-bearing Pharisees.
c) He pushed back hard.
i) I told you already.
ii) You did not listen.
iii) Why do you want to hear it again?
d) He jibed at them.
i) Do you want to be His disciples?
ii) He knew that this word would irritate them. (He must have been feeling irritated too.)






1. “他们就问他说”

a) “他向你做什么?”
b) “是怎么开了你的眼睛呢?”
c) 法利赛人为什么要追问这些问题呢?
d) 我们可考虑以下的想法:
i) 他们试图证明从前瞎眼的人的话前后矛盾
ii) 他们故意找岔子,挑耶稣的毛病
iii) 他们要证明耶稣不是弥赛亚
iv) 他们要证明耶稣是一个罪人
v) 他们采取各种各样狡猾的手段以达到所要追求的目的

2. 从前瞎眼的人的反驳

a) 他虽然曾经失明但他并不笨
b) 他以极大的勇气应付傲慢和自大的法利赛人
c) 他猛烈地反驳
i) “我方才告诉你们”
iii) “为什么又要听呢?”
d) 他嘲笑他们
i) “莫非你们也要做他的门徒吗?”
ii) 他知道这番话会激怒他们(法利赛人肯定也使从前瞎眼的人感到烦躁)