Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 159

A Special Conversation

Text: John 9:36-37


There was a special conversation that took place between Jesus and the former blind man. The poor man had just been badly mauled by the Pharisees who not only reviled him but cast him out of their religious community!

“He answered and said, ‘Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?’ And Jesus said to him, ‘You have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you.’”

John 9:36-37

1. The former blind man

a. He really did not know much about Jesus.
b. What he did know:
i. Jesus was not a sinner as the Jews had insisted.
ii. He was a Man from God.
iii. He was the One who healed him.
c. He wanted to know more.
i. Who was the Son of God?
ii. In his heart he wanted to have a deeper knowledge and faith.
iii. He had bravely defended the Man who had healed him but he felt he did not have sufficient knowledge to do better.

2. A very gracious answer

a. Instead of giving him a straightforward answer,
b. Jesus made two important statements.
i. “You have both seen Him”
ii. “And it is He who is talking with you”
c. Would these two statements be enough for the former blind man to believe that Jesus was indeed the Son of God?


The following prophetic statements about the Son of God were familiar to Israel. Psalm 2 was a classic prophecy concerning the Son of God.

1. The Son of God was the Anointed One, the Messiah (Psalm 2:2)

2. The Messiah was anointed King (Psalm 2:6)

3. He was addressed thus by God: “You are My Son.” (Psalm 2:7)




“他回答说:‘主啊,谁是神的儿子,叫我信他呢?’ 耶稣说:‘你已经看见他,现在和你说话的就是他。’”


1. 从前瞎眼的人

a. 他对耶稣并没有很深的了解
b. 他所知道的:
i. 耶稣并不是犹太人所说的罪人
ii. 祂是来自于上帝
iii. 祂是医治他的人
c. 他希望更了解
i. 谁是神的儿子?
ii. 在他心里,他希望能有更深的智慧和信心
iii. 他勇敢地维护那位医治他的人。不过,他意识到他并没有足够的知识作更好的辩护。

2. 一个充满慈爱的答复

a. 与其给他一个直接的答案
b. 耶稣提供两个重要的答复
i. “你已经看见他”
ii. “现在和你说话的就是他”
c. 这两个答复是否足够让那从前瞎眼的人相信耶稣的确是神的儿子吗?



1. 神的儿子是受膏者,也是弥赛亚 《诗篇2:2》

2. 弥赛亚是受膏的君王 《诗篇2:6》

3. 因此,神称祂为,“你是我的儿子” 《诗篇2:7》