Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 170

Jesus as the Door of the Sheep

Text: John 10: 9


Lovingly and tenderly, Jesus spoke to all who would listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd.

“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.”

John 10:9

1. “I am the door”

a. This statement was repeated (John 10:7, 9).
b. A statement is sometimes repeated for the following reasons:
i. For assurance
ii. For confirmation
iii. For emphasis

2. The significance of Jesus being “the door”

a. His loving care is clearly expressed.
b. He shows tremendous involvement in looking after the sheep.
c. He places Himself in danger of being attacked by wild animals.
d. He stands ready to defend the flock by all means.

3. “If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved”

a. This was a gentle invitation to people to come and believe in Jesus.
b. Jesus would take them as His sheep; they become part of His flock.
c. The person who believes will be saved (he will be given salvation and eternal life..

4. “And will go in and out and find pasture”

a. The believer will now be one of the sheep of the Good Shepherd.
b. The Good Shepherd would lead them
i. Going in.
ii. Going out.
iii. The Good Shepherd would be on hand to lead His flock personally.
iv. This verse must not be misread as if the sheep can do what he wishes to!

5. “And find pasture”

a. The Good Shepherd would lead His flock to good pasture land.
b. The sheep would be protected and be well-fed when they follow the Good Shepherd carefully.






1. “我就是门”

a. 重复了这一句声明 《约翰福音10:7,9》
b. 声明会有时被重复的理由如下:
i. 来确证
ii. 来确认
iii. 来强调

2. 耶稣成为“门”的意义

a. 祂清晰地表达祂的爱心
b. 祂在照顾羊群时,表现充分的参与
c. 祂将自己置于被野生动物袭击的危险之中
d. 祂随时准备以一切方法来保护羊群

3. “凡从我进来的,必然得救”

a. 这是一个给予人们来信靠耶稣的温和邀请
b. 耶稣会把他们当作祂的羊;他们成为祂羊群的一部分
c. 相信的人将被得救 (他将得到救恩和永生)

4. “并且出入得草吃”

a. 信徒现在将成为好牧人的羊群之一
b. 好牧人会领导他们
i. 入进
ii. 出去
iii. 好牧人将亲自带领祂的羊群
iv. 这节经文不应被误读,好像羊群可以做他想做的事!

5. “得草吃”

a. 好牧人将带领祂的羊群到良好的牧场
b. 当它们小心翼翼地追随好牧人时,羊群会受到保护并且好好地被喂养