Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 174

Reiteration of Statements

Text: John 10: 14-15


In order to reinforce the significance of this teaching, Jesus reiterated what He said.

“I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.”

John 10:14-15

1. “I am the good shepherd”

a. This was first mentioned in John 10:11.
b. It is reiterated here for emphasis and impact (John 10:14).

2. “And I know My sheep”

a. This was stated in a slightly different manner but has the same idea.
i. He calls His sheep by name.
ii. And leads them out (John 10:3).
b. It is reiterated here for assurance and comfort.

3. “And am known by My own”

a. This was also stated in a different way but has the same meaning.
i. The sheep hear His voice.
ii. The sheep follow Him, for they know His voice.
b. It is reiterated here to strengthen the sense of certainty of the truth.

4. “I lay down My life for the sheep”

a. This was first stated in John 10:11.
b. This is reiterated here to give an assuring uplift to the heart.

5. A new nuance introduced

a. “As the Father knows Me”
i. Jesus used a simple word to describe the relationship between His Father and Himself.
ii. The word “know” describes a present, here and now, kind of knowledge.
b. “Even so I know the Father”
i. There is a special sense of intimacy about this deep knowledge of each other.
ii. It is as if Father and Son are keeping in close touch with each other all the time.

经文:约翰福音 10:14-15




《约翰福音 10:14-15》

1. “我是好牧人”

a. 《约翰福音 10:11》首次提到这一点
b. 为了强调这教义的重要性,耶稣重申这点《约翰福音 10:14》

2. “我认识我的羊”

a. 在这以稍微不同的方式陈述,但具有相同的意思
i. 祂按着名叫自己的羊
ii. 祂把羊领出来《约翰福音 10:3》
b. 耶稣在这里重申这点为了给予保证和安慰

3. “我的羊也认识我”

a. 在这也是以稍微不同的方式陈述,但意思是相同的
i. 羊听到祂的声音
ii. 羊跟随祂,因为他们认识祂的声音
b. 耶稣重申这真理是为了加强真理的确实性

4. “我为羊舍命”

a. 《约翰福音 10:11》首次提到这一点
b. 耶稣重申这点是为了鼓励心灵

5. 一个新含义的引入

a. “正如父认识我”
i. 耶稣用一个简单的词来描述祂与父之间的关系
ii. “认识” 这词描述现在所拥有的知识
b. “我也认识父一样 ”
i. 这种知识有一种特殊的亲密感
ii. 就好像父与子之间一直保持着密切的关系