Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 178

The Feasts of the Lord

Text: John 10: 22


The Jews had a very rich history where God’s blessing and deliverance of His people were obvious. Each Feast was to be celebrated with the significance of the event borne in mind. These were called “The Feasts of the LORD” (Leviticus 23:2).

1. The Passover and the Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:4-8)

They were actually two separate Feasts. But they were so close to each other that often the mention of one Feast includes the other. This commemorates the time when God delivered Israel out of Egypt. The firstborn of the Egyptians died when the LORD passed over Egypt. The Feast of the Unleavened Bread lasts for seven days. Jesus attended this Feast (John 2:13).

2. The Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:15-22)

This was a harvest Feast. It was also known as Pentecost. This was calculated to be celebrated on the 50th day after the Passover (Acts 2:1, Leviticus 23:15-16). This Feast called for thanksgiving to be given to the Lord for His blessings on the harvest. This Feast was celebrated for one day.

3. The Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:33-44)

This Feast was to last for seven days. This was to commemorate the 40 years of the children of Israel being in the Wilderness. Jesus was in Jerusalem for the celebration of this Feast (John 7:2, 10).


There was a special Feast that Jesus attended as well (John 10:22). This Feast was added by the religious leaders. It was not one of the seven Feasts that Moses gave instructions on. The Jews celebrated this event for eight days. Today this Feast is called Hanukkah.

“Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter.”

John 10:22

1. This was a Feast to celebrate the Dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem.

2. A brief history leading to this Dedication.

a. Alexander the Great brought about the Greek Empire.
b. After his death, the Empire was split into four parts.
c. The Seleucid (Syrian) Empire ruled Palestine.
d. Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the Temple by bringing idols into it and demanding that the Jews worshipped them
e. The Maccabees were from the priestly line and they led a successful revolt against the Seleucids in 165 BC.
f. They reclaimed the Temple and dedicated the Temple for holy worship.
g. The Menorah (a seven bowl Candlebrum) provided the Temple with light but the Jews had only enough oil for one day.
h. Miraculously, the Menorah maintained light for 8 days; hence Hanukkah is celebrated for the same length of time.
i. Hanukkah is still celebrated by Jews all over the world to commemorate this miracle.
j. This Feast is sometimes called The Festival of Lights.

经文:约翰福音 10: 22


在犹太人丰富的历史中,我们明显看到上帝对祂的子民的赐福和拯救。在每个节期的庆祝,人们都该谨记节期背后的重大意义。它们被称为“耶和华的节期”《利未记 23: 2》。

1. 逾越节和无酵节 《利未记 23: 2》

它们其实是两个不同的节期。由于它们庆祝的时期非常接近,所以若是提起其中一个节期,也自然包括了另外一个节期。这节期是为了纪念上帝将以色列从埃及拯救出来的时候。当上帝越过埃及的时候,埃及人的长子都被杀了。无酵节的节期一共为期七天。耶稣参与了这个节期《约翰福音 2:13》。

2. 七七节 《利未记 23: 15–22》

这是收割的节期。同时也被称为五旬节。通过计算,这节期将在逾越节过后的第50日庆祝 《使徒行传 2:1》,《利未记 23: 15– 16》。这节期是为了感谢主祂赐福予了收成。这节期的庆祝只有一天。

3. 住棚节 《利未记 23: 33–44》

这节期一共为期七天。这是为了纪念以色列人在旷野的四十年。耶稣在耶路撒冷庆祝了这个节期 《约翰福音 7: 2,10》。


耶稣也参与了这个特别的节期 《约翰福音 10: 22》。这个节期是宗教领袖所添加的。这并不是摩西所指示的七个节期之一。犹太人会花八天的时间来庆祝这个节期。如今,这个节期被称为光明节。

“在耶路撒冷有修殿节,是冬天的时候。 ”

《约翰福音 10: 22》

1. 这节期是为了庆祝在耶路撒冷奉献了圣殿

2. 修殿节背后的一段简短的历史

a. 亚历山大大帝掀起了希腊帝国
b. 在他去世后,帝国被划分成四个部分
c. 塞琉古(亚兰人)帝国统治了巴勒斯坦
d. 安提阿古皮法尼斯把偶像带入圣殿,亵渎了圣殿,并强迫犹太人崇拜这些偶像
e. 马加人来自于祭司的家族,他们在公元165成功地推翻了塞琉古人
f. 他们取回了圣殿,并且奉献圣殿来做神圣的崇拜
g. 大烛台(共插七支蜡烛)供应了圣殿灯火,但犹太人只有足够一天的灯油
h. 但是,大烛台的灯火奇迹般地维持了八天。所以,光明节的庆祝也是八天。
i. 全世界的犹太人还是在庆祝光明节来纪念这个神迹
j. 这个节期有时被称为灯节