Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
The Temple in Jerusalem
Text: John 10: 23-24
The original Temple was built by King Solomon (2 Chronicles 3-7). It was a truly magnificent building and was very costly. Unfortunately, the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. Israel was in exile for seventy years as a punishment from the Lord for forsaking Him and for turning to idolatry.
The second Temple was built after Israel was allowed to return to their homeland by the Persian King Cyrus (Ezra 1-5). But it took a special decree from King Darius before the Temple project could be completed (Ezra 6). The second temple was much humbler. The returning Jews struggled to rebuild their homeland and their lives after having been exiled for seven decades. That building project was resisted by the enemies of Israel. It took a special decree from King Darius to ensure the completion of the temple project.
The Temple in the days of Jesus was the largest one of all. The Jerusalem temple took forty-six years to build (John 2:20). King Herod was the one who undertook the task of building this famous temple.
There were several areas that were open to the public. One of those areas was called “Solomon’s Porch”. It was given this name to honour King Solomon for the first Temple that he built for Israel. There was an inner sanctuary that only priests could enter into.
Solomon’s Porch was part of the Temple grounds, but not the inner sanctuary. Jesus used this area to teach the people who came to Him. This was winter time so He taught from within the Temple grounds.
Once again, the Jews sought to engage Jesus. They were still determined to destroy Him if they could.
“Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, ‘How long do You keep us in doubt? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.’”
John 10:24
1. “The Jews surrounded Him and said to Him”
a. Jerusalem may be described as “the stronghold” of the Jews.
b. They felt bolder because they were in Jerusalem.
i. This was the religious capital of Israel.
ii. The highest religious Council was called the Sanhedrin.
iii. Their headquarters were in Jerusalem.
2. “How long do You keep us in doubt”
a. If the Jews had any doubt, they only had themselves to blame.
b. Jesus had done His part and more.
i. He had taught effectively.
ii. He had healed many with the power of God.
c. The Jews however sought to blame Jesus for their doubts.
3. “If you are the Christ, tell us plainly”
a. They demanded that Jesus make His claim as the Christ in an open declaration.
b. They wanted Jesus to say “I am Jesus the Christ”.
经文:约翰福音 10: 23-24
原本的圣殿是由所罗门王所造《历代志下 3-7》。圣殿非常壮观且昂贵。不幸的,圣殿在公元 586 被巴比伦人给毁灭了。由于以色列舍弃了主来崇拜偶像,他们被流放了七十年以做为惩罚。
当波斯王古列允许以色列人回到他们的家园后,第二座圣殿才被建起 《以斯拉记 1-5》。不过,这得需要大利乌王特别加盖玉溪,才能够完成圣殿的建筑工程《以斯拉记 6》。第二座圣殿相比之下没有那么壮观。被流放七十年而回归的犹太人,无论在重建家园或生活方面都得挣扎。圣殿的建筑工程受到了以色列敌人的阻碍。大利乌王得特别加盖玉溪,才能确保圣殿顺利竣工。
在耶稣时候的圣殿可说是最庞大的建筑。耶路撒冷的圣殿的建造共花了四十六年《约翰福音 2: 20》。希律王就是负责建造这座著名圣殿的人。
《约翰福音 10:24》