Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
The Relationship Between God and Jesus
Text: John 10: 29-30
Jesus went on to speak even more wondrous words to all who were in Solomon’s Porch.
“My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father and I are one.”
John 10:29-30
1. “My Father”
a. Jesus lovingly spoke of God as “My Father”.
b. The Jews knew that He spoke of God.
2. “Who has given them to Me”
a. The sheep that Jesus spoke of were given by the Father to Him.
b. This would bring a great sense of warm assurance to the heart of all true sheep.
3. “My Father… is greater than all”
a. This was an obvious truth that must be stated for impact and encouragement.
b. The LORD God reigns supreme over all the earth.
4. “And no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand”
a. Jesus had already declared that no one is able to snatch His sheep out of His hand.
b. Now He makes the same statement except that He brought God, His Father into the picture.
c. All His sheep may enjoy this “double protection”.
i. Jesus would protect and keep all the sheep that followed Him.
ii. God would also be there to ensure this protection Jesus had promised to give.
Jesus concluded His answer with this startling statement about His relationship with God.
1. “I and My Father are one”
a. Jesus was in fact declaring His deity.
b. He and His Father were “one” in every sense of the word.
2. The beginning of the Gospel of John
John made this wonderful declaration about Jesus at the beginning of his gospel. Right from the start, he declared his own belief that Jesus was more than the Christ!
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.”
John 1:1
经文:约翰福音 10:29-30
《约翰福音 10:29-30》
1. “我父”
a. 耶稣敬爱地称上帝为 “我父”
b. 犹太人知道祂指的是上帝
2. “把羊赐给我”
a. 耶稣所说的羊是父赐给祂的
b. 这对真正的羊来说,将会给他们的心里带来极大的确据
3. “他比万有都大”
a. 这明显的真理是为了激发和鼓励人心而声明的
b. 至高无上的上帝必作全地的王
4. “谁也不能从我父手里把他们夺去”
a. 耶稣已经宣告谁也不能从祂手里把祂的羊夺去
b. 如今祂又声明了同样的事,但这次祂提到了上帝,祂的父
c. 所有属祂的羊都享有这“双重保障”
i. 耶稣会保守与护卫所有跟随祂的羊
ii. 上帝也会确保属祂的羊会受到耶稣所应许的保护
1. “我与父原为一”
a. 耶稣实际上是在宣告祂的神性
b. 祂和祂的父是“为一”的
2. 《约翰福音》的开始
《约翰福音 1:1》