Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 186

Challenging the Jews

Text: John 10: 36


Jesus was unafraid of the Jews. He knew how shallow their knowledge of the Scripture was.

“Do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?”

John 10:36

1. “Do you say of Him”

a. Jesus was referring to Himself.
b. He was going to make two important statements about who He was.

2. The two important statements

a. “The Father sanctified”
i. By declaring Him as His beloved Son, with whom He was well pleased (Matthew 3:17).
ii. By giving Him the Holy Spirit in fullness (Matthew 3:16; Isaiah 11:2).

b. “And sent into the world”

i. Jesus spoke of being sent a number of times (John 4:34; 6:39 etc).
ii. He had been sent to do the works of God (John 9:4).
iii. God was with Him whom He had sent (John 8:29).

3. “Because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’”

a. Jesus knew that the Jews were fault-finding.
b. They picked on the words Jesus used.
c. The phrase they deemed as blasphemy was this statement “I am the Son of God”.

4. “The significance of this statement, ‘I am the Son of God’”

a. This was stated in answer to the question as to whether Jesus was the Christ (John 10:24).
b. Who was “The Christ” according to the Scriptures?
i. He would be called “Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).
ii. But Immanuel means “God with us”.
iii. Jesus was the Christ who was truly “God with us”.
iv. When God affirmed that Jesus was His beloved Son, He endorsed Him fully.
v. Jesus could not be less than the Son of God.
vi. He was both Man and God at the same time!

经文:约翰福音 10:36




《约翰福音 10:36》


a. 有关这个“他”,耶稣指的是祂自己
b. 祂将发表有关祂身份的两个重要的陈述


a. “父所分别为圣”
i. 父将祂称为祂的爱子,祂所喜悦的《马太福音 3:17》

ii. 祂完全赐给祂圣灵《马太福音 3:16;以赛亚书 11:2》

b. “又差到世间来的”
i. 耶稣好几次谈到祂被差谴《约翰福音 4:34; 6:39等》
ii. 祂被派去做上帝的事工《约翰福音 9:4》
iii. 上帝与祂所差来的同在《约翰福音 8:29》

3. “他自称是神的儿子”

a. 耶稣知道犹太人正在找麻烦
b. 他们选择了耶稣使用的词语
c. 他们认为亵渎的语句是“神的儿子”

4. “神的儿子”- 这语句的特别含义

a. 这是在回答关于耶稣是否是基督的问题时所说的《约翰福音 10:24》
b. 根据圣经,谁是“基督”呢?
i. 祂将被称为“以马内利”《以赛亚书 7:14》
ii. 以马内利的意思是“上帝与我们同在”
iii. 耶稣是真正“与我们同在”的基督
iv. 当上帝肯定耶稣是祂的爱子时,上帝完全赞同祂。
v. 耶稣不可能比上帝之子渺小
vi. 祂同时既是人又是上帝!