Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 423

The Third Manifestation

Text: John 21: 13 - 14


The Risen Saviour had appeared to the disciples before. The breakfast at the seashore was the third manifestation of the Lord Jesus to His disciples.

“Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish. This is now the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead.” 

John 21:13-14

1. “Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish”

a. The scene was set.
i. Jesus was at the seashore awaiting the disciples to come to the land.
ii. He had prepared a hot breakfast of bread and fish for the hungry disciples.
iii. There was a bit of awkward silence at the breakfast.
b. Jesus took the initiative.
i. He took the bread and fish from the coals.
ii. He then proceeded to give them to His disciples.
iii. He was once again functioning as their Master.
iv. Graciously and gently, He fed His beloved disciples.

2. The manifestation of the Risen Saviour to His disciples as a group

a. The first manifestation to the disciples (John 20:10-22)
Thomas was not there.
b. The second manifestation to the disciples (John 20:24-29)
Thomas was there and he acknowledged Jesus with great conviction in his heart.
c. The personal manifestation to Mary Magdalene
This was not a manifestation of Jesus to the band of disciples (John 20:11-18).

3. “This is now the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead”

a. This was the third time Jesus appeared to His disciples as a group.
b. Each visit was not without significance.
c. Some reasons why Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection:
i. The first visit was to affirm that He had indeed risen from the dead.
ii. Subsequent visits helped to strengthen and reinforce the faith of the disciples.
iii. They still needed to be taught further and made even stronger.

经文:约翰福音 21:13-14



“耶稣就来拿饼和鱼给他们。 耶稣从死里复活以后向门徒显现,这是第三次。”

《约翰福音 21:13-14》

1. “耶稣就来拿饼和鱼给他们”

a. 这一幕早已安排好
i. 耶稣在岸上等待门徒们上岸
ii. 祂已为正饿着的门徒们准备了热腾腾的饼和鱼做早餐
iii. 吃早饭时,场面有稍微尴尬的沉寂
b. 耶稣采取主动
i. 祂从炭火上拿了饼和鱼
ii. 接着,祂把食物分给门徒们
iii. 祂再次以主子的身份在门徒当中运作
iv. 耶稣温柔并富有恩典地让祂挚爱的门徒们吃饱

2. 复活的救主向祂的门徒们同时显现

a. 第一次向门徒们显现《约翰福音 20:10-22》
b. 第二次向门徒们显现《约翰福音 20:24-29》
c. 向抹大拉的马利亚亲自显现
这和耶稣向门徒们显现不一样《约翰福音 20:11-18》

3. “耶稣从死里复活以后向门徒显现,这是第三次”

a. 这是耶稣第三次向门徒们同时显现
b. 每一次显现都意义重大
c. 耶稣从死里复活后,向门徒显现的一些理由是:
i. 第一次显现是为了确认耶稣的确从死里复活
ii. 接下来的显现是为帮助增强并巩固门徒们的信心
iii. 他们还需要被进一步教导以及变得更加坚强