Daily Devotions
"Where is the dwelling of the lions"
Text: Nahum 2:11
The Assyrians thought very highly of themselves. One of the motifs the Assyrian kings employed and promoted was the image of “lions”.
“Where is the dwelling of the lions,
And the feeding place of the young lions,
Where the lion walked, the lioness and lion’s cub,
And no one made them afraid?
The lion tore in pieces enough for his cubs,
Killed for his lionesses, filled his cave with prey,
And his dens with flesh.”
Nahum 2:11-12
1. The lion motif of the Assyrians
a) The lion (king)
b) Cubs/ Young lions (offspring of the king)
c) Lioness/ lionesses (queen/ concubines)
2. The king of the jungle
a) Common understanding that the lion was “the king of the animal kingdom”.
b) Features of the lion
i) It has a secure dwelling place.
ii) It is able to make a kill easily.
iii) It is able to provide amply for his family of lions.
c) The lion is unafraid of other animals.
3. Where is the dwelling place of the lions?
a) Nineveh was defeated.
b) Assyria’s power was broken.
c) The whole empire was in total disarray.
d) The soldiers had fled in terror.
e) There was humiliating defeat at the hands of the Babylonians!
Pride is a grave sin that continues to plague so many even today! It is important to take note of what the Scriptures teach about the sin and error of pride.
“Six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look…”
Proverbs 6:16, 17a