Daily Devotions


Day 75

"He has said in his heart..."

Day 75 – Psalm 10

“He has said in his heart…” Psalm 10:6a, 11a, 13b


The psalmist was distressed by two observations about the wicked:

1. Their pride Psalm 10:2, 4

2. Their prosperity Psalm 10:5

He now shares a third observation that obviously piqued him! The following text reflects a deeper understanding of how the wicked reason!

“He has said in his heart…”
Psalm 10:6a,11a, 13b


Let us take a look at the following texts in greater detail.

“He has said in his heart,
‘I shall not be moved; I shall never be in adversity.’

He has said in his heart,
‘God has forgotten…
He will never see.'”
Psalm 10:6, 11

1. How may we know what was said in the heart?

a) The heart and one’s action in life are closely related.
b) One’s actions reveal the state of the heart.

2. The knowledge of the psalmist (concerning the wicked)

a) He has had many close encounters with the wicked.
b) He knows of many others who have suffered under the hands of the wicked.
c) He has heard the wicked verbalize what they feel deep inside them.

3. “God has forgotten…He will never see”

a) This is a fallacy that the wicked believe in.
b) The lack of immediate punitive action from God leads the wicked to believe that he can get away with his evil activities.
c) The wicked does not have much time for God. He is almost irrelevant!