Psalm 102:3a "For my days are consumed like smoke..."
Day 85 – Psalm 102
“For my days are consumed like smoke…” Psalm 102:3a
The psalmist poured out his heart revealing deep distress in the following text.
“For my days are consumed like smoke,
And my bones are burned like a hearth.
My heart is stricken and withered like grass,
So that I forget to eat my bread.
Because of the sound of my groaning
My bones cling to my skin.” Psalm 102:3-5
1. Mental distress
a) The days are compared to smoke.
b) The bones are compared to burning logs in a heart.
2. Emotional distress
a) The heart is “stricken” (“struck”).
b) It is compared to grassland that has badly withered grass.
c) This distress was so deep that he forgets basic necessities like eating.
3. Physical distress
a) The psalmist moaned and groaned in response.
b) He noted the severe loss of weight; his bones clung to his skin.
This was the context in which the psalmist sent up his prayer to God. He felt great distress over the circumstances in his life.
1. A sense of helplessness was felt.
2. A state of hopelessness threatened.
3. The only recourse left was prayer.
4. The psalmist must have appealed to the compassion of God in this desperate prayer.