Psalm 103:5a "Who satisfies your mouth with good things..."
Day 101 – Psalm 103
“Who satisfies your mouth with good things…” Psalm 103:5a
David took time to highlight the fifth special benefit that he thanks God for with all his heart. Good things in life must be traced to the Lord’s blessings (“benefits”).
“Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:5
1. “Who satisfies your mouth with good things”
a) David grew up as a shepherd.
i) He was not exactly poor.
ii) But neither could it be said that he always enjoyed the “good things” of life.
b) The good things of life.
i) This is a reference to physical things like food.
ii) The phrase “satisfies your mouth” would indicate that this has to do with good food.
iii) As King of Israel, David would certainly be able to enjoy a very high standard of living.
2. “So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s”
a) The good things of life are not to be taken for granted.
i) Not everyone can enjoy the good things of life.
ii) Not everyone has good health.
iii) Certainly not everyone can speak of having “youth renewed like the eagle’s”.
b) The imagery employed.
i) Eagles appear majestic.
ii) They seem to exude so much strength all the time.
iii) Youth is that phase of life associated with energy and strength.
iv) Through good things like proper nutrition and good health-care a person can enjoy renewed strength as youths seem to possess.