Daily Devotions


Day 103

Psalm 103:7a "He made known His ways to Moses..."

Day 103 – Psalm 103

“He made known His ways to Moses…” Psalm 103:7a


One of the most fascinating things that we can learn about God is in the way He would reveal Himself.

“He made known His ways to Moses,
His acts to the children of Israel.
The LORD is merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.”
Psalm 103:7-8

1. Some of the ways by which God revealed Himself

a) He would disclose His ways to His servants, for example, Moses.
b) He would also disclose what He is like through His acts, for example, to the children of Israel.

2. Some important core-truths God revealed of Himself

a) He is merciful.
b) And gracious
c) Slow to anger
d) Abounding in mercy

3. Proven truths

a) The mercies of God.
i) These were extended to the children of Israel despite their numerous sins.
ii) God would in mercy forgive their many wrong-doings.
b) The graciousness of God.
The graciousness of God is associated with His lovingkindness and His tender mercies.
c) Slow to anger.
i) The wrath of God recorded in the Scriptures must be carefully interpreted.
ii) Properly understood, we appreciate that God is indeed slow to anger.
d) Abounding in mercy is an extension of the first thought about God being merciful.