Psalm 103:11b "Great is His mercy toward those who fear Him..."
Day 105 – Psalm 103
“Great is His mercy toward those who fear Him…” Psalm 103:11b
The mercies of God must be given due consideration when we seek to understand the doctrine of God’s anger. No one should describe God as One who is wicked and capricious in His anger!
“For as the heavens are high above the earth,
So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him;
As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.” Psalm 103:11-12
1. How great is God’s mercy?
a) How high are the heavens above the earth?
b) Such is the greatness of God’s mercy!
2. What does God do with our sins?
a) How far is the east from the west?
b) The east will never meet the west!
c) This is how far God has removed our transgressions (sins and iniquities) from us.
3. Who are the ones who appreciate the greatness of God’s mercy?
a) Those who fear Him!
b) What does this phrase mean?
i) Only those who truly know God will learn what it means to “fear God”.
ii) Those who know and fear Him understand why God has to lay a penalty on sin.
iii) The very nature of God’s Being demands that He must judge sin.
iv) God’s character will cause Him to be angry with sin.
c) Those who know God will appreciate His mercy.
i) God provides mercy as the answer to the problem of sin.
ii) God does not wish to strive with the sinner nor retain His anger. He wants to remove our sins from us. Such is His lovingkindness and His great tender mercies!