Daily Devotions


Day 138

Psalm 105:37a "He also brought them out with silver and gold..."

Day 138 – Psalm 105

“He also brought them out with silver and gold…” Psalm 105:37a


How did the children of God depart from Egypt? How did Egypt feel when Israel finally left their country? The following text gives us important insights.

“He also brought them out with silver and gold,
And there was none feeble among His tribes.
Egypt was glad when they departed,
For the fear of them had fallen upon them.”
Psalm 105:37-38

1. “He also brought them out with silver and gold”

Silver and gold represented the unpaid salaries of 430 years of slave labour (Exodus 12:40).

a) The Egyptians were more than happy to give all that the children of Israel requested (Exodus 12:36).
i) Articles of gold
ii) Articles of silver
iii) Clothing
b) “And there was none feeble among His tribes”
i) This was an astonishing observation.
ii) There were six hundred thousand men besides the children [and women] (Exodus 12:37).

2. “Egypt was glad when they departed, for the fear of them had fallen upon them”

a) They were awe-struck by the sign-miracles they had seen and experienced.
b) The magicians had advised Pharaoh that God’s hand was at work (Exodus 8:19).
c) They were afraid that Egypt would be totally destroyed (Exodus 10:7).
d) They were afraid that they would all die at the hand of God (Exodus 12:33).
e) This was an accumulated fear of having experienced ten consecutive plagues.
f) There were some in Egypt who had developed a healthy fear of the word of God (Exodus 9:20).